Hi there, I have just purchased the Woodmart theme.
I would like to say thank you for the amazing theme. I need some help with the below issue.
Within the theme settings, I have the Dark version color scheme enabled.
This seems to be causing me some issues.
I am editing the homepage of my website using WP Page bakery however I have added a row and changed the row’s background colour using wp page bakery to white. within the row, I added another module which is a Woodmart’s theme element called ajax Search. Within the settings of the ajax search element in wp page bakery I try to change the colour scheme to dark so the search bar shows dark on a white background but it doesn’t seem to work. It still shows light.
the ajax search still shows on a black background as the ajax search is light.
Overall I want the dark version activated but I want the ajax search element to display light not dark so I can see it on the page.
added the AJAX search module on the frontend editor.