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Elise Noromit
1. Every time i try type into the search bar i’m redirected to a custom 404 page, happens mostly on mobile… Help? (image 1)
Please check the issue on one of the default themes to understand if our theme causes the problem. If you have the same on a default theme, it means that our theme does influence that.
2 Can you provide me with the CSS code for the prices of the inside products on the shop page (image 2)
.product-grid-item .price del {
color: red; /* COLOR */
font-size: 16px; /* SIZE */
.product-grid-item .price del .amount {
color: red; /* COLOR */
font-weight: 600; /* FONT WEIGT */
.product-grid-item .price ins .amount {
color: blue; /* COLOR */
font-size: 16px; /* SIZE */
font-weight: 600; /* FONT WEIGT */
3 CSS code for the prices on the ‘Related Products’ section (image 3)
.product-grid-item .price {
font-size: 30px;
line-height: 1.3;
4 CSS code to remove the ‘add to wishlist and add to cart’ hover (image 4)
body .right-column .wishlist-info-widget>a:hover:before {
opacity: 1;
body .right-column .wishlist-info-widget>a:hover:after {
opacity: 0;
5 CSS code to remove the … Navigation button (image 5)
Not clear which one? Image 5 is related to product price. If you mean Category menu button it is not possible to do.
6. CSS to increase spacing on the footer area, especially the top part (image 6)
Change the padding as per your needs:
.footer-sidebar {
padding-top: 40px;
padding-bottom: 10px;
7. On the categories menu on mobile i put in some code and now it redirects me to a different website, okay it’s mine but i completely forgot where i put in that option, would you mind working your skill magic to show me where i can get it back to normal please? (image 7)
Check the file where you have added the code.
How can i edit the color of the tags? New? Hot? Image below
background-color: #83b735;
.product-label.new {
background-color: #438e44;
And can i get some code to edit the color of links?
Navigate to the Theme settings > Styles and colors, you will find option to set the color links on default and on hover
Text on the checkout:
.woocommerce-form-coupon-toggle>.woocommerce-info, .woocommerce-form-login-toggle>.woocommerce-info {
background-color: transparent;
font-size: 14px;
font-weight: 600;
color: #2d2a2a;
Best Regards