Installation Process

Download the latest theme version

Download the theme package. In the Downloads area you can find all your purchases.

Unzip theme package file and find file that contains main theme folder.

Way 1 (wordpress admin): install theme through the admin panel

Locate file and sign into your WordPress dashboard (e.g., ). Go to Appearance > Themes > Add New > Upload, and select the file, click “Install Now“. Once the theme is uploaded you will need to activate it in Appearance > Themes.

  1. Sign in to your admin panel in
  2. Navigate to Appearance > Themes > Add New -> Upload theme
  3. Choose file
  4. Wait while theme is uploading and activate it

Upload Theme with FTP

Way 2 (manual): upload through the FTP

You need to upload theme zip file to folder and unzip it. You can use your web-hosting control panel (cPanel, ISPManager etc.) or you can connect to your server through the FTP client like FileZilla and upload already unzipped file

  1. Connect to your hosting (server) via FTP client
  2. Upload your theme folder to folder
  3. Login to your WordPress Dashboard and go to Appearance > Themes and activate Theme.
  4. Open your site and check if everything is okay

Import Demo Content

Important!: If you are going to upload a demo to the existing site, make the full backup of your site! Please note: uploading a demo would rewrite all the theme settings and widgets.

After install the theme, required plugins and woocommerce pages you get blank site with basic WordPress and WooCommerce content. If you want to overview the pages and options from our demo site you can import a Demo Content.

To do the import you need to go to the page “Dummy Content”. Here you can find a simple form, where you can select a page to import. Firstly you have to choose Base content (required) and click “Import data”. This option sets up on your site a few posts with images, demo products, portfolio page with base projects and home page with slider like our demo site has. Import process of all the pages may take a few minutes.

After base install you may import some other page from all our home versions.

NOTE: installing demo content doesn’t create site that is identical copy of our demo site because it has a big number of pages and images that takes to much time to complete. Most images you see on our site are not included in our theme package and will not be imported.

Install Plugins

Before start working with our theme you need to install required and recommended plugins that come with our theme package.

Here the list of required plugins

  1. WPBakery Page Builder
  2. BASEL Post Types
  3. WooCommerce (if you are going to create an internet-shop)

Optional plugins

  1. Slider Revolution
  2. Contact Form 7

You can install these plugins in admin panel -> Plugins.

But you can automatically install all plugins in Appearance -> Install Plugins

  1. Go to Appearance -> Install Plugins
  2. Check all plugins you want (required plugins are important for theme to work)
  3. Choose install and click “Apply”
  4. Wait untill all plugins will be installed

Install WooCommerce

If you skip previous section you need to install WooCommerce plugin to set up your shop.

  1. Download the plugin to your computer.
  2. Unzip the file.
  3. Using an FTP client, or your hosting control panel, upload the unzipped plugin folder to your WordPress installation’s wp-content/plugins directory.
  4. Activate the plugin from the Plugins menu within the WordPress admin.
  5. Follow plugin’s set up steps and install shop pages
  6. Go to Products in admin panel and create your first products
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