Product category menu and options
Basel theme suggests expanded options for the Product categories presentation. The product categories menu can be presented in the shop page title, in the search form, Browse categories element in the header.
Product Categories menu in the Shop page title
There is an option to show the Product categories in the shop page heading which is configured in the Theme Settings > Shop Page > Shop page layout > Shop page title option. Title Demo:
Option “Categories in page title” will show the Product categories menu generated automatically based on all categories existing in the shop. There is the option to hide empty categories and, starting from 5.4.0 version the option to select the categories to show is provided. These options are in the Theme Settings > Shop Page > Shop page layout > Shop page title option.
By default, sub-categories will be displayed as the drop-down list:

“Show current category ancestors” allows showing sub-categories and category in the page title, for example:
“Show category neighbors if there is no children” option – If the category doesn’t contain any sub categories, the page title menu will display this category’s neighbors categories. In case this option has not been enabled the shop title will show the current category only.

Product Categories menu in Browse Categories
Browse Categories allows showing the menu created in Appearance > Menu. This option is provided in the Header layout “With categories menu”. This menu shows the product category menu created in Appearance > Menu. In order to set the product category menu in the Browse category, it is necessary to select the created menu from the menu drop-down in the Theme Settings > Others > Categories menu.
This type of header also presents the product categories list in the search field. This drop-down shows all the existing categories and is not editalbe.
One more option to show Browse Categories is Mega Menu widget element in WP Bakery page builder chart such Product category menu is presented in Fashion Demo
Product Categories settings
The product category is a functional Woocommerce template that is not editable. Basel theme, nevertheless, provides extra options. By default, the product category page inherits the shop page settings and the “Image for a category heading” sets an individual banner in the page title.
There is an option to add an awesome template to the product category instead of plain text by default. The product description can be shown before the product grid or after the grid. This option is provided in the Theme Settings > Shop page > Shop page Layout > Shop page title option.
In order to add a designed description to the product category, it is necessary to create the description in the HTML block, and then to add shorcode ID to the Product description field. Here is the demo of the custom product page description: