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Cart Dumps on Page Load

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  • #23048


    I’m in development on a site and this is the first time using your theme and I seem to have come across an issue that has me at a standstill. Apparently the cart empties itself on each page load.

    When adding a product to the cart as a user, the popup appears asking if the user would like to view their cart or continue shopping. If they click view cart, they are taken to the cart page and it says that their cart is empty including the default empty cart message and return to shop button. If the user selects to continue shopping, they can see that their item was added to the cart as it is visible in the header widget, but if the page reloads/refreshes or they view another page, the cart is emptied.

    I have disabled all non-essential plugins for testing and the issue persists and also carries across the three browsers it was tested on (chrome, safari, firefox). I am not seeing any issues or errors logged in the browser console to help with this either.


    Artem Temos


    Thank you for choosing our theme and contacting us.

    Could you please first check how it works with default WordPress theme to understand is this issue related to Basel or not?

    Kind Regards
    XTemos Studio



    I have tested this in the Twenty Seventeen theme and I am able to add products to the cart and process through to the cart and complete a purchase. This was done twice just to make sure since I was able to complete a transaction on two other occasions (using the Basel theme) but immediately after completing the transaction the cart started failing again.

    I have reactivated the Basel theme to continue testing.


    Artem Temos

    Could you please disable all additional plugins installed and be sure that you don’t have any cache on your webserver at the moment?



    It seems the issue is related to some security and caching settings on our host environment and it has been resolved.

    But while investigating the issue I also noticed that there are some errors in the log about some deprecated functions being used. get_cart_url() and get_checkout_url() I am looking through the theme now in an attempt to find and replace these references within my child theme, but it should certainly be taken care of on the parent theme level as well.


    Artem Temos

    We will fix these notices in our next theme update.


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