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Change My account icon with user's image

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  • #205812


    Hi there,

    I would like to change the My account icon with the user’s picture. I want either the user’s picture or the gavatar to come on when the user is logged in.

    How can I do that? Can you please send me a piece of code to do it?

    Another answer that can work is how to add the BuddyBoss profile dropdown menu into the header, this can work as well instead.

    Thank you,
    Best regards,



    You can find this option in the My Account element of the Header builder https://prnt.sc/t590be

    Please navigate to Woodmart > Header builder http://prntscr.com/iyd2pe

    Choose the proper header type (your current) http://prntscr.com/iyd333

    Modify elements as per your needs: http://prntscr.com/iyd3h3

    Best Regards



    Thank you for your answer. This I know, I wanted to use the picture of the logged in user/ gavatar. It means that the image will be dynamic.

    Thank you and best regards,



    This is the Woocommerce functionality and out theme does not have the option. You will have to find a plugin.

    Best Regards

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