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Codes appearing on site

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  • #231553


    Dear Sir,

    we have noticed two issues on our site.

    1. There is a dummy picture that partially displays on each product page.

    2. There is an open code that shows at the foot of each page apart from the home page.

    Please see in the private attachments further details.



    Please remove all in the Theme Settings > Product page > After add to cart area https://prnt.sc/uv0j2z

    Then remove all from the pre-footer area in the Theme Settings > Footer.

    Best Regards




    Thanks, it has worked.

    Meanwhile, I still need some little help. I had installed facebook for woocommerce but wish to remove it but i am not finding them in the plugins list and do not know where to look any more. Can you please help me with some directions?

    Secondly, i wish to install Microdata on my website to enable smooth interaction with the search engines for various benefits. Please, i am not very techy. Do you have a recommended plugin to make this easier? I got this plugin “pixelyoursite.com” but not sure if your theme allows its use. I need to install it for my woocommerce products. Any help would be very much appreciated.

    And would it be possible you create this as part of the theme?



    If you installed the plugin, you should find it in the plugins. Usually, all the plugins are in Dashboard > Plugins.

    We have not tested the mentioned plugin. If they provide a refund you can try it. If they do not try to start from free plugins.

    Best Regards



    Thanks. First tow issues resolved successfully.



    Please clarify what problem you have now.

    Best Regards


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