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Frequently bought together – anchor/id

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  • #423213


    Id like to make an anchor link for the FBT section. Havnt found an option to add this. Maybe you could help me out with some code.

    I have attached some professional illustration of how it should look like.


    • This topic was modified 2 years, 2 months ago by media.
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    There isn’t a direct way possible of this through the Theme Settings but you can do an alternative way in this regard which might work out for you.

    For the alternative way, you firstly need to create the Custom Single Product layout on your Site under the Dashboard > Layouts.

    Then under that Layout, you need to add the Frequently Bought Together element after the Product Tabs.

    Define the ID on the Section which contains the FBT on your Custom Single Product Layout.

    Then go to Product Description by editing the respective Product > and then add the ID as Link to the Text and then when you click on the Text you would be redirected to the FBT section by clicking on the Linked Text.

    Please refer to the following Video for reference in this regard: https://www.veed.io/view/659816dd-5a74-4718-ad5e-f56b6e199373

    Best Regards



    Thanks for your response.

    When Im using the costum layout for the single product page Im facing the problem that I cant add the “Extra Content” block which would be essential for this. Please correct me if Im wrong but I have read in the documentation that I can not use the extra content when creating my custom layout.

    Could you not add an ID to this FBT section?



    Ok I just created my costum layout which works fine now. After switching to this I have the same issue I had in this ticket which was not really solved (https://xtemos.com/forums/topic/related-products-show-price-of-active-product-instead-of-their-own/). As soon as I check the option “Hide double price” in the variable products option all related products show the same price as the product Im currently looking at.

    • This reply was modified 2 years, 2 months ago by media.


    Yes, you read it correctly. If you are using Custom Single Product Layout then you can’t use the Extra Content option. This is a limitation in this regard with Custom Product layout.

    Actually, this wouldn’t be possible because without the Custom Single Product Layout usage, the Single Product page that you are seeing is coming through the default WooCommerce layout which directly isn’t possible to edit with the Page Builder plugin.

    So, sorry to mention but right now this wouldn’t be possible other than the told alternative way.

    Hope you can understand our limitations in this regard !

    Best Regards



    I posting my reply again in case you didnt see it, because we posted nearly at the exact same time.

    Ok I just created my costum layout which works fine now. After switching to this I have the same issue I had in this ticket which was not really solved (https://xtemos.com/forums/topic/related-products-show-price-of-active-product-instead-of-their-own/). As soon as I check the option “Hide double price” in the variable products option all related products show the same price as the product Im currently looking at.

    When I use the predefined layout this error does not occur.

    • This reply was modified 2 years, 2 months ago by media.





    Right now, as we are seeing the Product Page that you mentioned in earlier Topic, the Prices are appearing different not the same of the current Product and it seems that you have also hidden the duplicate price too: https://ibb.co/w0n6pqn

    Can you please be more specific in it, if we have misunderstood it?

    Best Regards



    Yeah the feature is not activated on the main page. Please check the link below. I also installed storefront as you said and the problem was solved.

    • This reply was modified 2 years, 2 months ago by media.


    Could you please once try deactivating all the third-party Plugins on your Site remaining the Theme required ones activated? If the issue gets resolved, then reactivate them one by one to see which Plugin is causing the issue.

    If somehow issue still persists, then please take a complete Backup of your Site first, then provide us the WP-ADMIN Login details of your Site in the Private Content field along with the permission to completely debug your Site which includes deactivating all the third party Plugins and removal of on-Site Customization changes too, so that we can thoroughly check this issue on your Site and assist you accordingly.

    Best Regards



    The issue is caused by German Market plugin from what I checked. I contacted their support but maybe you can have a look at this as well, as its a quick common plugin in the german Woocommerce community.


    Sounds Great! that your issue has been solved.

    I’m so happy to hear you are pleased with the Theme and Support. XTEMOS strives to deliver the best customer experience, and it makes our day to hear we have accomplished that.

    We count ourselves lucky to have you as a customer. You can always reach us at any time. We are always here to help you.

    Thanks for contacting us.
    Have a great day.

    Topic Closed.
    Best Regards.

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