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Hide Additional Information Tab

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  • #24987


    1. I don’t understand what Hide Tabs Headings in both theme and product settings does. I thought it suppose to hide WC default tabs, but it doesn’t.

    2. Is there a way to hide Additional Information tab from admin. I can do that programmatically but I wonder if there is a way to achieve that from back-end. This tab is really redundant in most installations.

    3. What is the recommended tab manager plugin to work with this theme? There are 3-4 candidates out there although I guess the most used is the free Yikes Custom Product Tabs for WooCommerce… As this plugin, contrary to other paid but also not perfect plugins, is not letting you remove default tabs, it would be helpful if the theme enables it.



    Artem Temos


    1. It hides tabs heading that are located inside the tab content.

    2. Unfortunately, there are no additional options for product tabs in the Dashboard.

    3. Sorry, but we didn’t have a chance to test these plugins with our theme. If you will face any compatibility issues just contact us and we will help you.


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