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how can i make a ad section before header.

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    how can I make an ad section before the header.

    on this link, there will pop-up an add before top header.



    I saw the screenshot you attached and visited the demo URL. To display Header Banner on the top of the header.

    1) First you need to Go to >> HTML Blocks and create an HTML Block of the banner you want to display as header banner.

    Screenshot for Clarification: https://www.screencast.com/t/bYQmIQL3JdvM

    2) Then Go to >> Theme Settings >> Shop >> Header Banner >> Turn ON. And add the shortcode of the HTML Block in the Banner content.

    Screenshots for Clarification: https://www.screencast.com/t/6UdH298L

    Best Regards.



    it’s not coming. But if I close it for one time it’s not coming from next reload. But I want it to be like… I visit the site then I see the banner then I close it and if I visit again or reload then the banner will show again. is it possible to do it?
    and how can I chose that, which page should show on maintains mode?



    1) The header banner is loaded only once when you reload the page. So if you close it then you need to reload the page for it to be displayed. It is designed in such a way. If you load it in the same browser window it takes it from cache that’s why it is not displayed after reload. Try clearing the browser cache and then check back.

    2) You need to keep only one Maintenance mode page in your Dashboard -> Pages and you need to create maintenance page in Dashboard – Pages – Add new. Choose “Template” to be “Maintenance” in “Page attributes”. Or you can import the page from our demo in Dashboard – Woodmart – Base import.

    Best Regards.



    I have only one Maintenance page but it’s not coming.
    another page named c-m is coming.
    how can I manage which page should come in the Maintenance mode page?



    I have fixed the issue on your website and now it is showing the page that you set as maintenance. Please clear the cache and check back.

    Screenshot for Clarification: https://www.screencast.com/t/MVFIaLvoi

    There were more than one page with the template set as maintenance that was causing the problem. I have trashed the other pages and kept only the maintenance page you have set.

    Best Regards.







    I saw the screenshots you attached and visited the URL’s you provided. By default Select Options appears on the products that are set as variable products. In your case the products that are showing select options are variable products.

    Unfortunately, there is no option in theme settings to change the select options to add to cart.

    You need to use loco translate to translate the string according to your requirements.

    Or you can watch our video on how to translate strings using loco translate:

    Best Regards.



    Is there any option to add the_excerpt function on the title of the product’s title???
    like this: https://prnt.sc/r0kvdq
    now on my site, it looks like: https://prnt.sc/r0kw1m



    I saw the screenshots you attached. Unfortunately, there is no option in theme settings available display except as the product title on the product grids.

    You can use the page title of your desired length. In your case the product title is set to max two lines.

    Please Go to Theme Settings >> Shop >> Product Styles >> Product line limit >> None.

    Screenshot for Clarification: https://www.screencast.com/t/DYRBYtKs

    Best Regards.



    it’s not working at the mega menu

    and on the single product view when I click on variation image ( https://prnt.sc/r0qicx ) it feels like it’s not working Cause no preloader is showing. and after some time the image is changing. I need a preloader on the variation image. like this: https://prnt.sc/r0q35f
    I mean a preloader will show when I will click on deactive variable products.

    and can I add some dot after two lines of the title ?



    Bytheway ……. thanks



    I saw the screenshots you attached.

    1) The Product title line limit doesn’t work on the mega menu. If you want to limit the product title in the mega menu to your desired height then you need to add the following Custom CSS in the Global Custom CSS area under Theme Settings >> Custom CSS.

    .widget_products .product-title {
    height: 15px;
    overflow: hidden;

    You can adjust the height accordingly.

    2) For the loading gif not appearing please share the URL of the page to check it myself and help you out accordingly.

    3) It is not possible to add dots after the two line title. But you can add them after the first line you need to add the following custom CSS under the global custom CSS area under Theme Settings >> Custom CSS.

    .product-grid-item .product-title a {
    white-space: nowrap !important;
    overflow: hidden;
    text-overflow: ellipsis;

    Screenshot for clarification: https://ibb.co/61RN3FC

    Best Regards.




    I have visited the URL you provided. Please deactivate all the third party plugins. Disable server caching, deactivate cache plugin if using any, activate parent theme, clear browser cache and check back.

    Best Regards.



    Nope, not working.
    and the lazy image is not working also. All images on the description load at the same time.
    if you open a product then you will see that all the images load at the same time.

    I turned on lazyloading option: https://prnt.sc/r19fxi



    can I have the same dot for the menu or the sidebar products?



    1) For the loading gif, Please check its functionality by activating some default WordPress Theme just to check that the issue is with our theme.

    2) I have visited your website and you haven’t set the effect of lazy loading that’s why the images are getting no effect.

    Please Go to Theme Settings >> Performance >> Lazy Loading >> Lazy Loading Effect. And set it according to your requirements.

    Screenshot for Clarification: https://www.screencast.com/t/y3nuefbC

    3) To apply the dots on the products in the mega menu and the sidebar you need to add the following Custom CSS code in the Global Custom CSS area under Theme Settings >> Custom CSS.

    ul.product_list_widget a {
    white-space: nowrap;
    overflow: hidden;
    text-overflow: ellipsis;
    width: 100px;

    For these two the width needed to be adjusted as well so only some part of the title will be visible.

    Best Regards.



    1. I don’t know how to check it. and it’s important for the website so, please fix this problem for me. It’s important. please. I try to fix it. but did not find any way.

    2.if I active this option then my default placeholder image will not work. and if I active then also the lazy loading is not working for single product description images. you could check.
    Screenshot for Clarification: https://prnt.sc/r1ltox

    3.after adding the CSS the title goes far from the image.
    Screenshot for Clarification: before(https://prnt.sc/r1lwav) after(https://prnt.sc/r1lxin)



    lazy loading is working in someplace like shop page. But it’s not working on the single product page description image. all the description images loads at a time. it makes the speed of the page become very slow.



    1) I have tried by activating a default WordPress theme and the loading gif is behaving the same way. Unfortunately, we could not help you with this. Because, Its default WooCommerce functionality and our theme doesn’t influence this.

    2) I have visited your website and the lazy loading is working as it should be on the single products pages as well. Please disable server caching, deactivate cache plugin, clear browser cache and check back.

    3) I have fixed the issue on your website please clear the cache and check back. I have added the following Custom CSS Code.

    span.widget-product-info {
    margin-left: -30px;

    Best Regards.




    please watch this video……. you will understand that on the single product page all images load at a time. their lazy load is not working.



    Lazy loading work with elements that generated dynamically with PHP. For example via WPBakery page builder elements, but not when they simply hardcoded, You are adding the Images using WordPress default add media button which only add the image as simply hardcoded in HTML tag that is the reason it is not working with Lazy Load, So please remove those images and again add those images using WP Bakery and then the Lazy Load will work with those images as well.

    Hope it make sense now.

    Best Regards.



    Ohh…. that’s how it’s work.
    okk I will try.

    did you install this plugin : https://prnt.sc/r2dpk9
    if you don’t need then can I delete ?



    and maybe you download something and change something to fix the problem. But, the favicon is changed. https://prnt.sc/r2e3wf (it’s only changed on this link: https://rivrun.com/wp-admin/)
    could you change the favicon to my website favicon, please ?

    or please show me how can i change.



    I don’t know why some problem is showing now.
    on the home page: https://prnt.sc/r2fspe
    Instagram is not working.
    the footer is not working.

    why those problems are showing……. please help me out



    Thanks a lot



    1) You can delete it or can keep it if you want the plugin.

    2) I have visited your website the favicon is showing on my end. Please clear cache and check back. Screenshot for Clarification: https://ibb.co/Cb5hbCm

    3) And for the footer please deactivate all the third party plugins, activate parent theme, disable server cache , deactivate cache plugin, clear browser cache and check back.

    4) For Instagram please make sure that you have setup the Instagram API in the correct way


    You can follow our detailed documentation in the following link:

    Best Regards.



    Instagram: I did it. and it was working.
    But not it’s not working.

    I try what you told me to do. But footer is not working perfectly.

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