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Images sizes making website slow

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  • #225819



    I have an issue with my site being slow to load. It looks like the reason is because of image sizes.

    After speaking with some developers, they have said the below:

    The image is being resized with custom CSS which is being loaded after the CDN serves the images.

    When I disable that 25px declaration, it shows a bigger image there. So this confusion for resizing is arriving.

    Can you resize a custom thumbnail size for that shop image and then call that custom image thumbnail size for the shop images in your code?



    There are image optimizations plugins. Please search and try. There are a lot of free, start trying them.

    In addition, this information would help you to configure the images: https://xtemos.com/docs/woodmart/faq-guides/image-size-content-alignment-product-grid/

    Best Regards

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