In my search console I have the follow problems:
1. Missing field “hasMerchantReturnPolicy” (in “offers”)
2. Missing field “shippingDetails (in “offers”)
3. Identifier (GTIN/MPN/Brand)
In my e-commerce, the shipping method, return policy, and brand are all the same since I am the sole producer and seller. What is the best way to optimize my e-commerce with your theme?
Could you please check how it works with some default WordPress themes like TwentyTwenty or WooCommerce Storefront to understand if is it our theme issue or not?
Our theme is SEO-oriented. In general, those fields (shippingDetails, MPN/Brand, etc.) are related to WooCommerce so I asked you to please check how it works with some default WordPress themeWooCommerce Storefront.
You can create a clone of the site and move it to the staging platform, thus you can check whether the issue persists on the default theme or not.
Devsite – also called a Staging platform where you can test issues, enable/disable features/plugins thus such changes will affect the main site. The below article will help you to create it: