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Modify a DIV Class

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  • #300368


    Hey guys,

    Just need to permanently need to modify the div class = wd-toolbar-home wd-toolbar-item wd-tools-element woodmart-toolbar-home woodmart-toolbar-item.

    Currently, it’s:
    <div class=”wd-toolbar-home wd-toolbar-item wd-tools-element woodmart-toolbar-home woodmart-toolbar-item”>

    <span class=”wd-tools-icon”></span>
    <span class=”wd-toolbar-label”>


    But I need to change the label, or link text, to:
    <div class=”wd-toolbar-home wd-toolbar-item wd-tools-element woodmart-toolbar-home woodmart-toolbar-item”>

    <span class=”wd-tools-icon”></span>
    <span class=”wd-toolbar-label”>


    There are a few other icons in the Mobile Nav Bar that I need to make capitalised. So any help, would be great!



    Please advise what is your purpose? Do you want to change icons? Do you want to replace texts? If so there is no need to change the classes in div such requites the customization not covered by our support.
    Please provide what you want to change and how I will provide custom CSS.

    You can translate/rewrite all theme and plugin texts via PO file in WordPress. Here is a video tutorial that should help you translate your website texts with a Loco Translate plugin https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D3NsDdMzsls&list=PLMw6W4rAaOgKKv0oexGHzpWBg1imvrval&index=3

    Please check the video tutorial to see how to save the translation file correctly. You can remove the plugin and translations would remain. Also, translations would remain after each theme update.

    Best Regards



    The format of the text default is Proper “Home.” I want it to be capitalised “HOME.”



    Please provide the screen where and page URL, I will give you custom CSS.

    Best Regards



    I’m unable to do that, as the element I’m talking about is the footer mobile nav bar, it exists on all pages.



    Please provide the screen of what you want to change, you do not have the Mobile bottom navbar, I cannot figure out what you want to change/add.

    Best Regards

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