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New License and update

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  • #269585


    Hi, I have just renewed by license but im not sure if it is linked to my website. I need to update my WP builder as well and its not working.

    Also, my homepage menu is not updating when i make changes to it.



    WPBakery Page Builder and Revolution slider come bundled with our theme but they can’t be activated with our purchase code. Actually, you don’t need to do this. Only in case you want to get free premium support from its author, you can purchase it from Codecanyon. But it is not necessary since we will always provide you with the latest updates in Appearance > Install plugins.

    WP bakery team has released the new version recently. This version would be added to the theme files in the next update.

    Meanwhile, you can upload the recent version of the plugins from this forum profile and install via Dashboard > Plugins or FTP.

    1. Make the full backup of your site.

    2. Deactivate and delete the current version.

    3. Upload the new version from your portfolio on this forum.

    4. Upload and install in the Dashboard > Plugins.

    If you need any help, please let us know.



    Could you tell me how to make a backup of my site and then how to re install it please? I am not sure how to do this.

    Will this fix the problem i am having with my menu?



    Please describe the problem with the menu and provide your site admin access.

    I am a bit confused, you are asking about updating WP bakery page builder. Updating the page builder would hardly solve the menu problem. Please clarify in detail.

    Best Regards




    When i add categories to my menu at the top of my website, it is not updating. When i click on any of the categories on the menu, it then shows the changes i have made but not on the homepage.

    Hope ive explained it well



    If you mean this menu https://prnt.sc/108te72 it is a static menu, it does not get the menu items as soon as you create new, you need to add them manually.

    If you have any questions please feel free to contact us.

    Best Regards



    Image 1- This is how it is at the moment- any changes i make are not applied to the home page at all.

    Image 2- Shows the changes I made and they are visible here when i am in logged or when i am on any other page apart from the home page.

    Image 3- I am adding categories to the menu through here

    What do i need to add in manually? and how do i do it?

    You must be logged in to view attached files.


    Please disable and delete CMB2 and Redux plugins they are not needed any more: https://xtemos.com/docs/woodmart/faq-guides/3-x-4-0-migration-guide/

    If the problem persists, please deactivate all the plugins not related to the theme and switch to the parent theme I will check again or confirm the permit for us to deactivate the plugins not related to the theme and switch to the parent theme for a while of checking what may take up to 15 minutes.

    Best Regards




    Yes please. Deactivate what you need to fix the problem. I dont really have any important plugins on there, just extras.

    Please let me know if you know what the problem is so i do not do it again.

    Thank you



    I have deactivated all the plugins and switched to the parent theme.

    I add a text block to the home page to test, and I see this block on the page as logged in user and in the incognito view: https://gyazo.com/183f6832c96a888c42ce645b305431da

    I have removed the block as it was just for testing. Please activate the plugins one by one checking the possibility to edit the home page, to detect what causes the problem.

    I see the icons are not shown and see the reason why: https://prnt.sc/10ag5jh it seems you created a site on a testing domain and transferred it incorrectly. Please contact host support and let them configure the correct site URL, show them the screen.

    Best Regards


    P.S. As for the menu, this menu does not add the categories automatically, each time you create a category you will have to add it manually to the menu.

    Best Regards



    I’m still having the same issue.

    When i create a category, i add it through the appearance> Menus. I am adding it manually but it is still not visible as a user.



    Do you edit the appropriate HTML block? https://gyazo.com/7171a42cd6f30203cf7b99a331ef6e4c

    Where do you add the categories?

    Best Regards




    That is how I add my categories. The same way you’ve shown. But if you look at my homepage incognito or logged out, the categories do not update.



    Here is how I see the menu in the incognito: https://gyazo.com/ebc8e669e483b16938782f8c6309c409

    Please contact your host support and let them correct the errors shown in the console. This error may cause the problem.

    Best Regards

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