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Product page – Whish list position

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  • #545748


    please, is it possible to change ADD TO CART button text? Where can i do it please?
    Also i would love to add WHISH LIST heart button next to the Add to cart button as big heart button. Is it possible somehow? Just to change position as its shown on the screenshot, and mare size as the “Add to cart” button has




    01. You can try to change it via the Loco Translate plugin, here is our article on how to use that: https://xtemos.com/docs-topic/translate-woodmart-theme-with-loco-translate/

    02. Sorry to say but it wouldn’t be directly possible as you know the default Single Product page layout comes from WooCommerce end.

    But you can use the Theme’s Layout Builder to create Custom Layouts for the Single Product page > and in that Layout you can change or configure the elements accordingly. You can find the Layouts under the Dashboard > Layouts.

    Here is the Guide to that: https://xtemos.com/docs-topic/single-product-page-builder/

    Further, you can read more about the Layout Builder here:

    Hope this helps !

    Best Regards.



    I dont use Loco, we have WPML, is it also possible somehow to change text via WPML?



    Can I use/modify/recreate the same layout we are using right now?



    i have created the layout, but cant edit it, as there is not visible WP Bakery somehow… its activated.



    01. You can manage add to cart button text using WPML string translations. Navigate to WPML > String Translation > Translate texts in admin screens
    After selecting the string I pressed “Add to String Translation ” and you will be able to translate it.

    More about check the plugin documentation:

    02.Navigate to >> Dashboard >> Wp-Bakery Page Builder >> Role Manager and enable it for layouts and check the issue.

    Best Regards.

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