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Resolving Accent Issues in Uppercase Greek Text with Loco Translate on iPhones

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  • #584298


    We used Loco Translate to translate the theme. Several words appear in all caps at various points throughout the theme. Everything works fine on desktop and Android devices. However, on iPhones, all Greek words that are formatted in uppercase appear with accents. For example, the word “cart”, which we have translated to “καλάθι”, appears as ΚΑΛΆ’ΘΙ.
    Why might this be happening? Is there a solution so that words formatted in uppercase do not display with accents?

    Note: As a quick solution, we tried via Loco Translate not to intentionally accentuate specific words, knowing they would appear in uppercase. However, this presents a problem because some words appear in multiple instances, sometimes in uppercase and sometimes in lowercase. Therefore, removing the accent via Loco Translate does not help because when they appear in lowercase, they are without accents.


    Artem Temos


    Could you please send us some examples or screenshots from your website so we can check particular words? Most likely, uppercase is configured in the Typography section in Theme Settings.

    Kind Regards



    Sure, i attached below

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    Artem Temos

    Please send us your admin access as well so we can check the configuration.



    ok, you already have

    • This reply was modified 7 months, 2 weeks ago by Artem Temos.

    Artem Temos


    Please use the Private content field to post your website information.

    1. To change buttons text style you need to go to Theme Settings -> Styles & Colors -> Buttons https://gyazo.com/b6db3ffb8438b8fc50d172f0c6105efb

    2. As for cart table you can use Advanced typography for custom selector .website-wrapper .shop_table_responsive td:before. Read more information in the documentation https://xtemos.com/docs-topic/advanced-typography-settings/
    Other things can be also changed using Advanced typography for particular (predefined) selectors from the list.

    Let me know if you have any difficulties with this.

    Kind Regards

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