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Set homepage like grocery preview theme

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  • #235860


    I want to make the homepage exactly like the Grocery preview theme (index.php). How I can do it? Thanks.



    Thank you very much for choosing our theme and for contacting us.

    You need to install the Base demo, then chose the Grosery demo. https://xtemos.com/docs/woodmart/installation-process/

    Installing demo content doesn’t create a site that is an identical copy of our demo site because it has a big number of pages and images that take to much time to complete. You will need to upload your images.

    The main menu demo does not contain it – you will have to create your main menu and then set it for the site.

    If you have any questions or need help, please feel free to contact us.

    Best Regards



    Thanks for the fast reply. How can I get now the mega menu dropdown exactly like this?

    mega menu



    Please provide your site admin access to the private area.

    I will check which HTML block corresponds and tell you or add this structure to the HTML block.

    Best Regards



    I show u on the private content:



    You can find “Grocery-menu fresh-food” [html_block id="7499"] Save it as a template and then create your mega menu basing on it.

    Then add this block to the menu item following this instruction: https://xtemos.com/docs/woodmart/create-menu-2/

    Best Regards

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