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Setup of page questions

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  • #633553

    OK i am not very educated by WordPress, and i am running into Several roadblocks.
    The Slider < i think thats the term> that has 3 slides, with a background image that changes with the text. i was able to change text, but cant for the life of me find how to change the image.
    Header – I cant figure out how to put My site name, Rather than Woodmart, Likewise with the footer, how to put My information in.
    I Set up Shipping info, most items have Free shipping. however, it isnt an option when i click on Shipping after adding a product
    How do i Attatch a page i made to a Link on the Header menu i made?
    Im sure more questions will arise.. but i thank Anyone for their assistance!



    01. The background image can be changed via the “Featured image” area in Dashboard -> Slides, more detail here: https://monosnap.com/file/RALwIg8wjVIl21JvKjMpZITaREFTwm

    Please follow this guide:

    02. Navigate to WoodMart > Header builder > edit default header (highlighted star icon) or you can go through the admin bar directly https://prnt.sc/Ct9ehRDvvDV9.

    Hover on the Logo element, click on the Pencil icon to edit it https://prnt.sc/TQpL8DqtyVSi and change the logo.

    Navigate to Theme Settings > Footer > Check Footer content, If you are using widgets Navigate to Appearance > Widgets > edit the footer columns area. If you are Using HTML Blocks, simply edit this HTML Block with a page builder and edit it.

    Please check this manual:

    03. It seems like the free shipping option hasn’t been configured properly. Please go to WooCommerce > Settings > Shipping > Shipping Zones. Ensure that you’ve added a shipping zone and enabled ‘Free Shipping’ as a method within that zone

    Best Regards


    i thank you for your response, but i was not able to find what you describe for the Slider image. There is nothing showing a Change featured image. There is a Set featured image.. but this has nothing in it… and when i try adding one, it does not show up once i save and F5 in a new browser.

    The header info still eludes me. i am not about to change the “woodmart” graphic or text as seen in photo attatched, nor am I able to adjust the text above it English country,free shipping in all orders
    Also wanted to point out that I do have free shipping. Set up and enabled, but it still does not show up as an option when I try to add new items to the store



    Sorry to hear about the inconvenience. Kindly, please share your Site WP-ADMIN Login details in the Private Content field so that we can check this concern on your Site and help you out accordingly.

    Best Regards


    i have been waiting 2 weeks for a response. i submitted Twice now the content requested, but have gotten no response. Please advise, as i would Really like to continue building the site.



    01. Navigate to Slides > Edit Slide.
    Scroll down to the bottom of the slide editor.
    Check the Slide Settings section and change the background image.

    02. Navigate to WoodMart > Header builder > edit default header (highlighted star icon) or you can go through the admin bar directly https://prnt.sc/Ct9ehRDvvDV9

    Hover over the Text/HTML element to modify the Free Shipping text.

    To adjust the text above it for the English country, hover over the menu element in the header to identify the active menu. Then, navigate to Appearance > Menus and configure the menu items accordingly.https://ibb.co/xQSjxc6

    Best Regards,


    I also am not quite sure how to make Sub catagories under the Main catagories i have made on the page



    You can create subcategories under your main categories by following these steps:

    1. Go to WordPress Dashboard > Navigate to Products > Categories.
    2. Add a New Category – Enter the subcategory name.
    3. Set a Parent Category – In the Parent Category dropdown, select the main category under which this subcategory should appear.
    4. Save Changes – Click Add New Category.

    To display your subcategories in the menu:

    1. Go to WordPress Dashboard > Navigate to Appearance > Menus.
    2. Add Categories to the Menu – Select and add your main and subcategories.

    For more details, refer to the WooCommerce documentation:https://woocommerce.com/document/managing-product-taxonomies/

    If you have too many subcategories, consider using a mega menu for better organization.
    You can find instructions here:https://xtemos.com/docs-topic/create-mega-menu/

    Best Regards,


    This was Extremely helpful. I am one category short. i assume its in the header, there are 5 menus now. i need 1 more. I have Replica owner map, Downloads,Contact us, FAQ, and About. i am needing to add Shop

    Also i still do not know how to get the Free shipping to be set in products. i added it to the zones, but it isnt allowing me to set items to free shipping.

    Changing Fonts – In the slider, the fonts can be a bit difficult to read… how can i change the attributes and or location?



    01. You can add the Shop category to your menu by following these steps:

    Navigate to Appearance > Menus.
    Select the menu that is currently assigned to the header.
    Click Add Items and select Shop from the available pages.
    Drag and position it where you want within the menu structure.
    Click Save Menu to apply the changes.

    02. Go to WooCommerce > Settings > Shipping > Shipping zones.
    Click the Edit button on the shipping zone where you want to offer this method.

    Then, select the shipping method and click the Continue button. Select the requirement that users must meet to receive free shipping from the “Free Shipping Requires” dropdown:

    Please follow this guide:

    03. Navigate to Slides > Edit Slide with Elementor > Edit Section title Widget and in the style tab check the custom typography settings of the title and change the font Settings: https://prnt.sc/zXWRVwL7Ywvj

    Best Regards,


    Thank you. so the only item i still cannot make work, is free shipping. I have gone thru, step by step… and yet it does not offer me free shipping as an option in the products setup.



    If free shipping is not appearing as an option, please check the following:

    – Go to WooCommerce > Settings > Shipping > Shipping Zones
    – Ensure you have added a zone with Free Shipping enabled.
    – Click on your shipping zone and check if “Free Shipping” is added as a method.
    – Edit it and confirm if it requires a coupon or minimum amount.
    – If you’re setting it per product, check if the shipping class is assigned correctly.

    If the free shipping does not appear on the cart and checkout page, Could you please check how it works with some default WordPress themes like TwentyTwenty Five or WooCommerce Storefront to understand if it is our theme issue or not?

    Best Regards,


    all settings made as instructed. i dont know anything about changing the theme… wont this corrupt all of my work?



    Switching to the default theme temporarily will not affect your existing settings or content. It’s just a way to check if the issue is theme-related. If the free shipping option still doesn’t appear after switching to the default theme (like Storefront), then the issue might be with WooCommerce settings or a plugin conflict.

    If you’re unsure about doing this, you can create a backup first or test it in a staging environment. Let me know if you need guidance!

    Best Regards,


    I am finally making some good progress on the site build. I am stuck on the footer… i need to change information, but unsure where the changes are made…



    You can configure the footer in the Theme settings > Footer. You can edit the menus, and add and remove widgets in Appearance > Widgets > Footer column 1, Footer column 2, and so on.

    Here is the Guide: https://xtemos.com/docs-topic/set-up-footer/

    If you have any questions please feel free to contact us.

    Best Regards,


    i am trying to let a vendor look at the page.. and he keeps getting 404 errors… and i get some as well. i do not understand the issue.. but its Very frustrating


    i also need to know how i can create Dropdown pages. i have a LOT of FAQ’s, and it makes the page very long. i want to categorize them, and then Each question open up when clicked on. i hope this makes sense?



    01. I understand how frustrating this can be. Please make sure the page is correctly created using the plugin shortcode you’re using. Also, check if the page is published and the URL is correct. If you’re using caching or redirection plugins, try clearing the cache. Let me know if the issue persists.

    02. You can resolve this by editing the page with your page builder and adding the accordion widget. This will let you easily organize your content into collapsible sections: https://ibb.co/7NVTCQ92

    Best Regards,

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