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space between menu and slider on homepage

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  • #434232


    hello, there is a lot of space between the menu and the slider on the homepage, but I couldn’t see such an option in the settings and I wonder where do we set the menu font size? thank u



    1- Regarding this mentioned space concern, please share your Site WP-ADMIN Login details in the Private Content field so that we can check these concerns on your Site and help you out accordingly.

    2- Regarding the Menu Font Size concern, you can go to Dashboard > Theme Settings > Typography > Advanced > there you can create a new Rule by clicking on + Add Rule > then select Main navigation links from the dropdown > then you can define the Color and another font styling for these accordingly: https://snipboard.io/xkdpBr.jpg

    You can read more about Advanced Typography here: https://xtemos.com/docs-topic/advanced-typography-settings/

    Best Regards



    I fixed it using other demos, but this time I’m having a full page overflow, the screenshot is attached. I do not want it in the form of a box, but I want a little space on the edges, unfortunately, I could not perform this operation. I also have a problem with the products on mobile, they are not listed in a balanced way. Can you help with these issues??

    • This reply was modified 2 years, 1 month ago by veje.
    • This reply was modified 2 years, 1 month ago by veje.





    Sorry to say this but your provided /wp-admin URL isn’t working on your Site. It redirects every time to the Homepage where your Site is set on Maintenance mode. So, could you please share a valid WP-ADMIN URL so that we can proceed further with checking the issue on your Site and assist you accordingly.

    Best Regards



    I’m so sorry login url and Can you delete the screenshots?



    Regarding the Products layout as you know Even product grid option is available under the Theme Settings > Product archive > Products styles > Layout. This option is available for Mobile view too > so we have enabled that on your Site and now the Products appear evenly for the Mobile view too: https://snipboard.io/cNIumd.jpg

    Regarding the Products box layout, it was the Bordered grid option available under the same said location above which you have already disabled on your Site so the Box Layout isn’t appearing for Products on your Site.

    Please check back your Site after completely clearing browser and server cache.

    Best Regards

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