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Stripe express checkout not displaying on woodmart checkout template

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  • #458079


    Hi, i have created a new custom checkout page from the woodmart templates and now the Stripe express checkout is not displaying. It seems like it reserves some space in the top of the checkout but the funcionality and the button does not load. The problem do not occurs on the native woodmart checkout page, only in the template. I already tried to recriate the whole woocommerce checkout and disabled all the plugins.


    Luke Nielsen


    It looks like the plugin adds its custom Stripe express on the Checkout page using the standard WooCommerce hook. When you create a custom layout with Elementor it doesn’t contain any default elements and hooks. It contains only those elements that you added with Elementor manually.

    We have a special “Hook” element in Elementor that you can place to your custom layout and then the plugin will be able to add its custom content there. But we don’t know which one exactly it needs. You can either try to select all hooks one by one or contact plugin developers for help.


    Kind Regards



    Can you please give me more detail about the solution please? I need to add the theme hook (which is kind of shortcode) and add the “shortcode” of the stripe express checkout? You know where i get it? tnks


    Luke Nielsen


    The thing is that the plugin uses some WooCommerce hook for showing “Stripe”, unfortunately, we don’t know which hook exactly they use. So I suggest you select all hooks one by one via the “WooCommerce Hook” element or ask plugin developers which hook they use. Then just define that hook via the “WooCommerce Hook” element in the custom Checkout page (Dashboard -> Layouts -> Checkout).

    Don’t hesitate to let me know if you need any further help or any other info.

    Kind Regards

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