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Sub category order in landing page

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  • #306582


    Could you please help me with 2 issues?
    1. Where I can change sub category order in landing page?
    For example here: http://nartiss.digizoom.lv/product-category/stigu-instrumenti/

    2. how is possible to remove from url /product-category/ so that url is shorter?

    thank you



    1) I have visited your website and the category sorting is controlled by woocommerce and our theme.

    2) The URLs are controlled by wordpress and our theme doesn’t influence.

    Please read the woocommerce documentation for help: https://docs.woocommerce.com/document/permalinks/

    Best Regards



    Hi, thank you for your answer, but.. how I can change sub category order in landing page? I cant find any place where is it possible! I have to make sub category items in right order… but where I can do it for each category?
    thank you



    You are Most Welcome.

    If you are trying to change the order of categories on the homepage you need to edit the categories menu and set the order according to your needs.

    Screenshot for Clarification: https://gyazo.com/5cc88e1a555b82d81dfb03af066e6a15

    Then you can set the orderby to menu order and set the order of the categories by drag and drop from Products >> Categories.

    Screenshot for Clarification: https://gyazo.com/6b10b22ff1dbb244bb5d896521d15ff7

    Best Regards



    ok, but you are talking about order in Menu, right?
    I`m talking about order when we open category, and there are subcategories!
    this url: http://nartiss.digizoom.lv/product-category/stigu-instrumenti/
    and I wish to make these subcategories in another order! how I can do that? where?

    and one more- in menu i can manage order, but, when I open category landing page, than in left side menu are another order! where I can manage that? how is possible to show the same order?
    thank you



    You asked about changing the sub-categories order in the landing page. That’s why I replied.

    Sorry but it is not possible to change the order of the subcategories that appear in the Shop categories pages.

    You need to find a plugin for that.

    Best Regards



    ok, thanks! can you suggest any plugin for that? thanks



    You are Most Welcome.

    Sorry but we could not suggest you with any plugin.

    You can find the best order plugins in the following link and select the plugin which suits your requirements:

    Best Regards

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