Home Forums WoodMart support forum This is regarding the shop page and other minor changes before we go live

This is regarding the shop page and other minor changes before we go live

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  • #581037


    1. I want more space in header of our shop page( I’ve attached pictures under private content). How can I add more space in header.
    2. Also for the shop page header shows categories and I don’t want to show all product categories, however whenever I add new category it is shown in the shop header.
    3. I want to change the Wishlist text into Favorites text. (attached screen shot)
    4. Also individual product page I want to remove Brand and social media rows and add Feddy Number and other text that is relevant for our products. How to do that?
    5. Again for the shop page I tried my best to build new layout but I can’t get rid of the filter sidebar. What should I include and exclude in conditions of the layout to achieve only in-stock and not in stock filter?
    Kindly see all the screen shots below

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    01. Please follow this guide and configure the Header Height:

    02. Navigate to Theme Settings > Product Archive > Page Title > Exclude categories.

    03. To change the text, Try to use the Loco Translate for this purpose. Here is our article on how to use that plugin – https://xtemos.com/docs-topic/translate-woodmart-theme-with-loco-translate/

    04. Navigate to Theme Settings > Single Product > disable the option “Show attributes table after short description” and Show share buttons. If you want to add extra content Navigate to Theme Settings > Single Product > Add to Cart > Add the content Before or after the “Add to cart button”.

    05. Navigate to Appearance > Widget > Add the Stock Status widget in the shop page widget area.

    Please follow this guide:

    Best Regards.



    For the first point, I want to change header space for shop page. The article is not helping me to locate where exactly I should be making those changes for Shop page header.
    Thanks in advance



    Sorry to hear about the inconvenience. Kindly, please share your Site WP-ADMIN Login details in the Private Content field so that we can check this concern on your Site and help you out accordingly.

    Best Regards.

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