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Translation for empty cart notice on off canvas slide in widget

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  • #270522



    I am having trouble translating the empty cart notice on the cart slide in widget. I used Loco Translate to find and translate 2 identical strings for the text and the button, but they still appear in English and not German.

    On other pages, the button text is however translated on identical buttons.

    I am providing a login bellow if you need to check directly on the site.

    Thank you and all the best,

    You must be logged in to view attached files.


    I saw the screenshot you attached.

    I have tried to login to your website but you haven’t provided the admin panel login URL. Please provide me with the correct admin panel login URL to check it myself and help you out accordingly.

    Xtemos Studios



    Sorry for that, login is in Private Content.



    The login URL you provided displayed a 404 page. Please provide me with the correct URL to let me assist you further.

    Best Regards



    Sorry again for this, please try the new link, or alternatively use the theme login.



    Your issue has been resolved. The strings are now translated.

    Screenshot for Clarification: https://prnt.sc/10c3gkw

    Please clear cache and check back.

    Xtemos Studios



    Great, thank you!

    Can you please let me know what the issue was and how to solve it? So that I can add it to the live site, as this was testing environment.



    You are Most Welcome.

    I have logged into your website and clicked the SYNC button by editing the translation file from Loco Translate >> Plugins >> Woocommerce and the issue was fixed.

    Xtemos Studios



    Hmm, I have done exactly this on the live site, but it still displays in English.

    LocoTranslate -> Plugins -> WooCommerce -> Deutsch (Schweiz) -> Clicked Sync -> Did not work -> Clicked Sync again -> Clicked Saved -> still not working

    Are these steps ok? Should I do something else. I have also deleted the cache.



    You need to click the sync button first then find the string and translate again then clear cache and check back.

    If the problem still continues then provide with the admin panel login of the live site to check it myself and help you out accordingly.

    Best Regards.




    I have pressed sync again and it worked, there was no need to translate the string again.

    Thanks so much for your help.

    Have a great day ahead,


    Most Welcome πŸ™‚

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    Topic Closed.
    Best Regards.

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