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Visitor Counter Wording

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  • #640287


    On the single product page, I need to change the visitor counter wording so it says “x people are viewing this product right now”


    Hung Pham

    Hi rlifestylestore,

    Thanks for reaching to us.

    + In order to change / translate words. Please make sure you synced the strings first before changing / translating WooCommerce, WoodMart Core plugins and WoodMart theme. You can refer to article


    + You are also need to select the language for the backend and theme settings for admin from the admin user profile, please edit the user’s profile and then select the language for that user it will show the same on the backend.

    + Some strings related to Wishlist / Compare / Login & Register page, you can change in Theme Settings > Shop or Theme Settings > My account https://prnt.sc/W8Tt95stG3YC


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