The theme’s settings offer several preferences for the promo pop-up and I would personally want for the promo to pop up after the user visits a specific number of pages on my website, and not after a certain amount of time or after he scrolls down a specific number of pixels.
Yes, there are indeed these options available to select in settings, but I cannot figure out how I should make it work, because of the following 2 possible situations (neither of them working for me):
1) if I choose Show popup after SOME TIME, the “Popup delay” option applies by default (thus the pop-up being opened after a number of milliseconds), irrespective of the fact that I have also selected a number of pages in the “Show after number of pages visited” section. – Please see attached
2) if I choose Show popup after USER SCROLL, the “Show after user scroll down the page” option applies by default (thus the pop-up being opened after the selected number of pixels), irrespective of the fact that I have also selected a number of pages in the “Show after number of pages visited” section. – Please see attached
Can u please advise? Maybe I’m doing something wrong.
Thank you!
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