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Button on hover effect not working

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  • #223190


    Hi, I’ve been trying to to use the effect that swaps out the images on hover on shop page and it’s not working.

    According to basel demo site, the effect I should select is ‘Button on Hover’. Can you please advise what needs to be done?




    As I understand you want the main image to change for the image from the product gallery in the grid.

    You need to have the main image and image in the product gallery and enable “Hover image” in the Theme Settings > Shop

    Best Regards



    Hi, I replied via email but I’m not sure if you have received it. The hover effect is enabled as mentioned before and the products images are set. I’m not fully understanding your reply but I have provided my login details for you to check please.

    Can you help investigate why the effect is not working? I want to be able to show a different image of the product when I hover over on each product on the main shop page.




    Please deactivate and delete these plugins CMB2 and Redux – they are no more needed.

    Then deactivate all the plugins not related to the theme and check the issue again. If the problem has gone, activate the plugins one by one to detect which one causes the problem, if the problem remains, leave the plugins to deactivate for us to check.

    If you cannot keep the site without the plugins confirm the permit for us to deactivate for the while of checking what may take up to 15 minutes.

    Best Regards



    Hi there,

    Thanks for getting back to me. Please feel free to login to the test site. I have provided the logins before (see below again).

    It looks like the feature works on simple products, but not on variable products. For example, it works on the ‘Bedazzled Bracelet’ but not on the ‘Butter Scrunch Bum Short’.




    You need to have main image and gallery image for both: main product and variations. Besides you need to enable “Use images from product variations” in the Theme Settings > Shop > ATTRIBUTE SWATCHES

    You have not disabled that https://prnt.sc/uc84q4

    Best Regards



    Thank you but I’m very confused by your instructions. I don’t understand what you are asking me to do. Can you please fix one of the variable products (for example the Cropped Back Shirt – Black) so that I can see what you are saying?

    As mentioned earlier, in the main shop page when I hover over each product I want it show the secondary image. I’m not sure how to do this. I have attached a recording.

    I have enabled ‘Use images from product variations’ and my variable product has a main image and gallery images.




    I do not see the Products tab with Attributes, Categories, and so on. It seems some of the plugins or customization influences.

    Please deactivate the plugins or remove the customization so that I could enter the Products > Attributes.

    Best Regards



    Thanks for getting back. There were some restrictions with your role. I have made you an admin. You should have access to everything now.

    This is a test site, you can disable and play around with anything you’d like no need to ask me. Your changes won’t affect my live website. Please feel free to play around as I think communicating in this thread and deferring some of the changes to me is slowing down the troubleshooting because I might not be technical as you.




    It works correctly now: https://gyazo.com/ee0e9dc5e4ff7b50e18df8252f999a82

    Activate the plugins one by one, checking the issue, to detect which one causes the problem.

    Best Regards



    Hi Elise,

    I really don’t know how to explain my issue. I’m really having a hard time communicating as I have explained 3 times the issue is NOT with simple products. I’ve specifically mentioned this issue is happening for variable products and you are still troubleshooting a simple product?

    I have screen recorded for you so that you can easily check the products, but I’m very confused as why you are testing something else. You can easily see the feature is not working on the shop page if you check any variable products.

    I have already disabled plugins and enabled them one by one but unable to troubleshoot that’s why I paid for support and contacted xtemos. Are you able to help and advise on a fix?



    I have created a variable product from scratch to test https://gyazo.com/754c7a2b93957667f0868db272ca231c

    As you can see variable product also works well.

    Please check. You have configured the variable product not correctly. Try to create the product and add image to the gallery of all the variations.

    Best Regards

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