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Features Requests

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  • #409117



    it would be good to add this function to woodmart (this would be the first theme to offer it)

    Deleting images when deleting a woocommerce product
    here is the relevant thread

    thank you




    ideal for updating the new version. Too bad my add request was not added. (remove product image)

    thanks for the updates



    Version 7.0 brought us this:

    Now let us have this also BEFORE the loop. 🙂

    • This reply was modified 2 years, 5 months ago by jackennils.
    • This reply was modified 2 years, 5 months ago by jackennils.



    1. Sweet Alert

    2. An option that can use both at the same time can be added to the action of clicking on the main image, which is available on most public sites.

    3.Hamburger Menu Examples

    4. The style on this website would be really nice to have a non youtube video player

    4. There are some bugs including PageSpeed ​​zero installation. I recommend minimizing these bugs in the v.7.0.0 update. Note: Values ​​are not displayed on PageSpeed ​​screen in v.7.0.0 beta update, error is encountered.

    5. Another variant can be added to the cookie law infobox, on mobile it closes the menus, it doesn’t look good.

    6. Double slider Sign in/up Form – Desktop Only
    7. Buttons can be added in this style
    8. Mobile bottom navigation bar

    Best Regards

    • This reply was modified 2 years, 5 months ago by iamfahrig.
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    Your new feature in v7 to compare categories is great, but I do not want all categories for the consumer to see. We have categories that we only use on the admin side – (eg price band, whether item is sold in another store etc)

    You need to be able to restict the categories that the customer can see.

    It is a great feature, but one that I cannot use until this is done.

    Thank you


    Little Panda

    The version 7 frequently bought together feature is great. To build on this a couple of suggestions:

    1. Show a strike through price (before and after discount in the cart and checkout) for each bought together bundled item. See image attached for an example.

    2. Allow a fixed amount (and not just a percentage to be discounted for each item in the bundle).

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    [email protected]


    my suggestion is related to woodmart + dokan.

    Woodmart allows to place a video link in the woocommerce photo gallery. But sellers who use dokan to place products in the marketplace, can not access this possibility of woodmart.
    I am not going to explain you the tremendous importance of video because as developers you know this topic more than I do.

    It is a lot of work to offer the option to insert a video url in dokan?
    maybe a field to paste the video url when we go to the media gallery to insert images to the product, which is activated when it detects dokan installed?

    thank you very much.

    Translated with http://www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)



    https://gyazo.com/46f21b6b2ed765d59d38853fdef8e9bc. –see here

    I love the idea of this feature so ideally it would be great if all devices could have their own html/woodmart block, this would make editing for different devices so much easier.

    As for now the Woodmart theme only has a mobile block version whereas it would be much better if you could add a block for each device and breakpoints in Elementor for these see here – https://gyazo.com/2afa0974ea69ed4a89e6a8e65016a60a

    I think this would make the Woodmart theme better than any other and something nobody has done before.

    • This reply was modified 2 years, 4 months ago by leejay123.
    • This reply was modified 2 years, 4 months ago by leejay123.

    Little Panda

    Following on from my suggestion for the ‘Frequently bought together’ feature. It would also be good if in the ‘Bundles manager’ you could quickly turn bundles on or off. At the moment it’s difficult to see how this could be easily done without going into each Product details page.



    Please add Mini Compare Popup from bottom. This popup can show compare list and a button for compare page.



    a must have option and a very cool feature is to exclude the Free shipping bar for products that are on sale! (simple code of $product->is_on_sale();

    • This reply was modified 2 years, 4 months ago by Mike.


    Hello, it would be nice to be able to select the H tag for the category titles in the archives.

    When the subcategories appear in the category archive, then the H tag you enclose the subcategory title is H3. But it makes much more sense to be H2, as the main category title is H1, and then the subcategories follow with an H3, leaving the page without H2 tags, and this is a problem in the SEO titles hierarchy. Anyway, it would be nice to be able to select between H2/H3/H4 through a setting, without needing to create a template override and having to maintain this override after theme updates. If a setting is too much work, then maybe a simple php filter would be nice.





    Hello, I have some suggestions for linked variations
    – make product search easier with thumbnails and support of ID search (currently it is a bit difficult to find the right product as we have a huge inventory)
    – bigger linked variation icons on product page, it is very tiny as of now


    Jeriss Cloud Center

    In the Patcher, please add an “APPLY ALL” for the patches!

    I manage dozens of websites, I can’t click 10x on “Apply” for EACH patch and for EACH website.




    Sugestie pentru modernizare pagina de cumparaturi
    va las mai jos un link:



    I love “Product visitors counter” feature…maybe good add also “Sales Notification” for recent order maked by clients (real or fake)…to Increase and Boost sales 🙂

    Tnx a lot



    Please allow non-registered/non-logged-in users to share their wishlists.

    I think it’s pretty ridiculous that non-registered/non-logged in users don’t have this ability.

    It’s a default setting from WooCommerce Wishlist.

    Please add it.



    A coupon field in the cart sidebar would be nice. I love the look of the “modern cart” plugin by cartflows. Maybe you could design it more modern like in the screenshot.

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    Order bumb module for checkout



    How can we add indicators for favourites?

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    Vitamin M

    Is there or will there be a feature to arrange the parameters of comparison in separated lines? Now they are added with a comma, but we have got many parameters and so it looks confusing and the parameters are not really compared…



    You should think of adding categories tree to shop filters and make shop filters multi-select.
    Some of the requests above are just cosmetic CSS and they will slow the page speed.



    Benefits bar. Like free shipping, fast delivery, free return.
    Most stores put it just under the header and it rotates on some of them



    negative filters
    When clicked twice it excludes products with that value



    Timer for next day dlivery.
    If the client makes the order before 16:00 for example he will receive it next day.



    more pop-ups with product suggestions
    for example when somebody clicks add to cart or buy now he sees popup with cross sell products


    Jeriss Cloud Center

    Imagine you use a widget like Text Block or Section Title (with WPBakery).

    You provide us the setting “Content Width” in which we have the possibility the width as a percentage which is identical for all devices.

    You also provide us the possibility to define a “custom width” but then we have to define a specific amount of “px” which is not practical. Allow us to define this “custom width” per device per PERCENTAGE.

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    The blog and blog categories have no option to change the page title background image. Can I have code to change this manually.

    Also the different header works on single blog posts but not the blog itself or blog categories.

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