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Features Requests

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  • #450112

    Jeriss Cloud Center

    In the Mobile Sidebar, please provide us a setting to :

    – always collapse all sub-menus (current default behavior)
    – always expand all sub-menus
    – always expand only the first sub-emnu

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    Jeriss Cloud Center

    In the Menu Price widget, allow us to display the “Menu Description” as a ToolTip beside the Menu Title

    See mockup attached.

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    For variant selection style… this website is different style….


    As you see, all the variant sections on the area and you can select by clicking directly and at the same time by seeing prices ….

    You can have alternative variant style…

    Keep in touch…



    woodmart theme objectively speaking is still quite good, but not good enough in terms of compatibility with woocommerce.
    1, similar to the sticky add to cart should have the function to choose the size and add the number, not let customers click sticky add to cart and then a single product to choose the size and add the number, no matter these products are variable products or simple products, should have this function.
    2, in the shopping cart page, there should also be a function to select the size, rather than let customers go back to the product page to select the size, which will lead to increased customer churn. When the customer selects the size and adds the quantity from the shopping page, the quantity and total price of the product should be updated automatically, instead of letting the consumer update it manually.

    woodmart should do a better job in the details


    Jeriss Cloud Center

    In the “Menu Price” widget, I noticed that the title and price are displayed on separate rows (whereas on desktop they’re displayed on the same row). I understand that this is probably more responsive, but it’s not a consistant behavior across devices.

    Can you please provide a setting where WE would decide whether we want to display the title/price on SAME or SEPARATE rows for mobile device?

    Because in my case for example, most of the title are very very short so there is no “fear” of non-responsiveness on mobile.

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    Hello! it looks like there’s no way to set the “sorting” type in the shop at the moment and it the default setting is to display products in alphabetical order. Can we please get this amended so there’s an option in the settings or at least make the default sorting type to be by most popular or something? Alphabetical order is useless for customers for the most part


    Jeriss Cloud Center

    Please provide us some settings to adjust the color of the Free Shipping Bar.

    Look at the screenshot below, when the website page background is grey for instance, the remaining amount of free shipping bar is also grey, so doesn’t adjust well accordingly (not visually perfect).

    I know I can use some css but a setting would be appreciated 🙂


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    [email protected]

    Add a simple and effective way to edit my account dropdowns.




    Although Woodmart is pretty good, here are two additions that might improve your theme even further:

    Brands: Instead of an attribute, it would be nice if they were custom post type instead.
    E-mails: It would be nice if you implement customized emails or at least offer a combo with a plugin that does just that.

    This ideas come from your main competitor XStore. They have implemented it 😅



    1. When free shipping is available, the “Hide Shipping Rates” option must be added so that customers cannot see other shipping options. This feature can be easily implemented using an e-commerce platform such as WooCommerce. (Source: https://www.businessbloomer.com/woocommerce-hide-shipping-options-free-shipping-available/)

    2. Viewing product images on the customer account My orders screen can help customers better track their orders.

    3. Adding a “share” button to a single product page can make it easier for customers to share products on social media. (Source: https://dev.to/themodernweb/how-to-make-a-share-button-html-awesome-button-effect-css-modern-web-coding-tutorial-2app)

    4. Adding a “continue as guest user” button to the cart screen can enable customers to complete their shopping more quickly and easily. (Source: https://www.exgeer.com/sepet/)

    5. Adding an “add to favorites” button next to the “add to cart” button on a single product page can enable customers to follow the products they like more easily. (Source: https://www.trendyol.com/dyson/v15-detect-absolute-kablosuz-supurge-p-389517886?boutiqueId=61&merchantId=449692)

    6. Adding a “verified account badge” can increase customers’ confidence when admins respond to reviews.

    7. Adding the option “email when stock is available for out-of-stock items” to the single product page can enable customers to receive an email for out-of-stock items to find out if the items are in stock. (Source: https://elessi.nasatheme.com/product/zizi-line/)

    8. The mobile single product screen can combine with the top panel to provide a more pleasant appearance: (Source: https://elessi.nasatheme.com/demo/#mobile-design )




    Estimated Delivery Time ( Date)

    It’s a very crucial feature that is needed.
    Should be at least “approx time” that I could configure ( today date + 5days) delivery time etc.


    • This reply was modified 1 year, 10 months ago by timewise.
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    Little Panda

    Search function for product reviews?



    it will be nice to set the single product width separated from general site width.


    Volts Studio

    Possibility to customize fonts in REM

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    Please make it possible to separate the variations by color only, but KEEP the sizes in groups.

    It was when activating the single variation option, there are too many products in the store, which ends up visually and usually getting worse.

    It would be amazing to be able to choose which attribute should be separated, and the others kept.

    example: A shoe with colors and size, separate only by COLORS.



    Volts Studio

    I would like to know if you have any native feature of the theme to offer gifts on commemorative dates or for another marketing action. Otherwise, it would be interesting to have an option to offer gifts to customers.



    For Share buttons, is it possible to add copy link button ? thanks



    Recommendation for v8 version:
    1) Modern checkout
    2) Email when stock available
    3) Different product photo slides for mobile
    4) Product Questions & Answer
    5) Popup for Mobile Bottom Bar
    6) More advanced banner
    7) Estimated Delivery

    and most importantly;
    Mobile Design



    Would be extremely helpful to limit the product attributes that should show as separate products within the product listing pages when selecting to show variations as products.

    Currently I can’t use this because sizes being enabled shows way too many products. But I would love for color to be enabled so that each shows as their own.



    Recommend Feature:

    – Shopify Style checkout



    Would be nice to have:

    1. Adding custom icons to “add to cart” buttons (all over the places: single, variable, group)
    2. More editability for “cart widget side” (show / hide / add custom elements like custom blocks)
    3. More editability for “wd sticky btn” (the sticky add to cart bar): for example, update the price on the bar with the price from product page not displaying the price range of the product (if variable) + show / hide / add custom elements on it like: adding product labels on it, discount percentage etc.
    4. Multiple “FREQUENTLY BOUGHT TOGETHER” layouts / templates.
    5. More flexibility for reviews
    6. Adding integration for major translation plugins like GTranslate (right now is just with wpml)
    7. Posibility to put whatever icon I want for cart (cart-widget-opener)
    8. The theme uses owl carousel but when you have 2 or more columns per row and text size difference it looks bad, and there should be ability to have same height on all owl-items.
    9. Overall experience with elementor is bad vs wpbakery (elementor is somehow more restrictive or missing options like wpbakery have more flexibility).
    10. The option to transform any simple row (with 2-3-4 columns), in a carousel on mobile. (just on mobile)
    11. Adding a feature “if a product is out of stock – it should appear a simple form (instead of add-to-cart button) to subscribe to that product and get informed when is back to stock” and store all the emails in database.
    12. Store all woodmart options in a completely different table in database (if possible). Don’t mixmatch tables with wordpress like “wp_options”.

    There are many ideas to implement but this will be a good start and give the theme a next level options / adjustments.

    Thank you for being so great and deliver to us such a great theme.

    PS: Always improve the speed.



    There is a wonderful custom layout solutions for woocommerce but for page or post should be usefully. if it is possible that would be awesome .



    Allow photo reviews even for guest users.



    Hello. I have turned on the thumbnail feature in my Woodmart theme, but this feature does not appear on my single product page, although there are 3-4 photos. In the same way, the changes I made in the related products section are not reflected on my single product page. I would really appreciate it if you could help.

    have a nice day.


    Hi, how are you everybody?” Can we add to the Woodmart theme options?

    The idea is that you have made a good update for adding external sellers to the Woodmart theme website. We propose to improve this direction and develop it more thoroughly so that it is possible to create marketplaces like eBay, Mercari, Etsy, and Walmart. this is main idea::

    To begin with, we need to add the main features that will allow us to manage this platform and build a update. I believe many people will support me.

    Administrator of Marketplace
    Need add option to Admins Moderator Sites that allow the administrator to have a commission system, shipping management, versatile withdrawal options, and extensive payout options. It would be very nice if you added these options in a future update. This would help to develop a project where it is necessary for the vendor to have their product marked with the name of the seller. The vendor should not see someone else’s product on the site, and they should only have access to their own products.
    Additionally, for the administrator, you need to add additional settings for vendors such as percentage charges, changes, and other important settings that I listed above. All of this should be added in a future update. We would be very grateful if you would do it.
    Vendor side:
    In vendor lists their products, it is necessary to add a vendor product indication, such as the vendor’s name, to distinguish their product in the listing. A vendor’s listed product should have a fixed and correct vendor indicator name.
    To avoid seeing products in the list that do not belong to the vendor and to prevent displaying all products listed in other vendor accounts, you can implement a filter that only displays the products of the current vendor. This way, the vendor will only see their own products in his vendor account.
    To create an additional page for listings only the vendor’s products. Also need add mark of product as “used” or “new,”.
    Moreover if you can add/create a additional filters to page where all product shows on the market and have filter that displays products based on vendor or buyer selection.



    Add Authorization via Yandex to the theme settings. And also check the work of authorization through Vkontakte.



    Apple have a lot products I would like to request for apple social login.


    Jeriss Cloud Center

    Please add support for Gravity Forms, it’s probably the most well-known forms plugin for WordPress around the world! (https://www.gravityforms.com/)

    You can find a thread here where I clearly raise an issue of compatibility between WoodMart and Gravity Forms, and it must be compatible by default without adding custom codes.





    Now, Attribute swatch style have to select first when we created variation. (e.g. size, color). Once selected, we can’t change swatch style. It would be great if we able to change swatch style even after attributes are created.

    • This reply was modified 1 year, 8 months ago by tnklemart.
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    Jeriss Cloud Center

    WPBakery > Promo Banner > Content

    add a setting “Show Content on Hover”

    currently if we add “content”, it’s always shown static always.
    allow us to show this “content” just when we hover on the banner

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