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image swatches not working

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  • #151551


    I created a variation product and I want the swatches to be displayed as image instead of color.
    “Use images from product variations” is enabled
    “Grid swatch attribute to display” is set to color
    so why isn’t the swatches for this product is only displaying as color not image. I want them to show as image. Please help, I’m not sure what I’m doing wrong.




    To display the images except of colors in swatches. You need to edit your attribute items form Products >> Attribute >> Configure Items.

    Then edit the items one by one and upload the “Image preview for this value” as in the screenshot: https://jmp.sh/sojhORR

    Result: https://jmp.sh/5DzCpdR

    Best Regards.



    I don’t understand this. I need image swatches to show per products not globally. If I set up the image the way you just describe which is globally, that means whenever I use that attributes for different products they will have the same image. So “Use images from product variations” does not work in your theme? From my understanding, I thought when this option is enabled that means The swatches will use whatever image I have upload for my product variation. I’m very confused.



    I think you misunderstand I guide you to use the images on variations(circle) which we select while selecting some specific variations.

    If you want to change the variation images of products which will change according to different colors then you need to use the image at “Variations” and select as enabled.
    Screenshot for clarification: https://jmp.sh/gqbnyP9

    And for the swatches you can not use different images. They were used globally.

    Best Regards.



    So you’re telling me swatches can only be set up globally, not per product.

    Can you please explain to me what this option does when enabled? swatches”Use images from product variation”



    This is what I’m trying to accomplish. How can it be done at product level. I thought that’s what “Use images from product variation” would do when enabled. please check the link below



    If you want to use images for specific product swatches then you first need to add attributes globally from products >> attributes and used images for those attributes so if you did not use image in some product variation then this global image will be shown.

    Then enable the option “Use images from product variations” from Theme Settings >> Shop >> ATTRIBUTE SWATCHES and must select your attribute from the list.
    Screenshot for clarification: https://jmp.sh/T1kffUH

    Then use your images in your product variations as in the screenshot: https://jmp.sh/SwDD0Jo

    Result: https://jmp.sh/k7JXjbG

    Best Regards.



    I don’t think you’re taking some time to understand what I’m asking you. Please try to understand my questions so I don’t keep going back and fourth with you. I want to show variation images as swatches for all of my products instead of showing color swatches. In order to show variation image swatches, the swatches has to be set up by product not globally.
    this is an example of

    “image variation swatches” (which is what I’m trying to accomplish)

    “color variation swatches”

    Your theme says
    “Use images from product variations”
    If enabled swatches buttons will be filled with images choosed for product variations and not with images uploaded to attribute terms.

    so why the swatches buttons are not filled with images choosed for my product variations even though the option is enabled? I hope this problem can be solved because I’m getting very frustrated right now.



    This is an example of one product from my website and it’s showing color swatches right now. but I want the variation images to show as swatches instead




    Kindly provide your login details so I can access your site and create a test product with “image variation swatches” on your site for your better understanding.

    Best Regards.



    I have added it in the private content area



    I have created 2 products on your site and for both I used image swatches. For the first one named as “Product1 with product swatches” I use swatches image with the help of theme option which makes the variation image as swatch image. I define 3 swatches inside the color attribute as blackTshirt, greyTshirt and Orange Tshirt and I did not use any global image globally.

    Video for product 1: https://jmp.sh/18BkKjd

    In the second product “Product2 with specific global swatches” I defined two swatches globally and only used them on that specific product and it also working fine. And hence the swatch and variation have different images just to set an example for you:

    Video for product 2: https://jmp.sh/TWyAXyq

    Best Regards.



    How do I make the color swatches show on category page and my home page. The swatches are only showing on the product pages. How do I make them show on my homepage and category page?



    To display the color swatches on category page and on the home page. You need to select that specific attribute from Theme Settings >> Shop >> ATTRIBUTE SWATCHES >> Grid swatch attribute to display.

    Also I noticed that you are using an old version of theme and outdated theme required plugins. Kindly update your theme to the latest version and also update the plugins.

    Best Regards.



    I did choose color from
    Grid swatch attribute to display but they still not showing



    Currently you are using “Icons on hover” style for your shop grid. When I select some other styles then your color swatches shown perfectly fine when I click select options.

    Screenshot for clarification: https://jmp.sh/OXSZGhe

    Result: https://jmp.sh/ky1zC6M

    For the homepage you need to edit those sections where you used products and then change the product style to inherit or also choose some different style except of the icons on hover which is currently selected.

    Best Regards.



    Can you please provide some real support. I don’t want to bypass the problem. I want it fix please. The swatches should be showing as soon as you get to the page not when you click on select option. Just the way they look in your demo. They should show no matter what product style I choose. How do I get them to show on the category page. Thank you



    Your problem is resolved. I have created a test product named as ” Test Product1 “ and create color variations for that product and enable it and the color swatches for that product is shown the same as our demo and you do not need to hover over the product.

    Screenshot for clarification: https://jmp.sh/vrbhSY7

    Actually you did not select specific swatch while adding variations. That’s why color swatches not shown on the shop page:

    Screenshot: https://jmp.sh/CLnfcxm
    Result: https://jmp.sh/SnNyPAQ

    Best Regards.



    Thank you so much for all the help.

    Also, how do I add content to the shipping & delivery tab on the product page. I don’t see that tab section on woocommerce product to add content to it.


    Most Welcome,

    You can add the content to the shipping & delivery tab on the product page from Theme Settings >> Product Page >> TABS.

    Screenshot for clarification: https://jmp.sh/krIy6Vb

    Best Regards.

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