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pagespeed problem

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  • #463559


    friend changed the site settings and other configurations, and now the site has slowed down. Please help. Can you disable unnecessary things? The mobile compatibility on pagespeed tests is at 23% and desktop compatibility is at 37%, which is very bad. Please help.”


    Luke Nielsen


    I see that you haven’t optimized anything on your website now. Please, follow our tutorial since your website speed depends on different factors and you can’t get high scores without basic things like the cache plugin.


    Don’t hesitate to reach out if you have any more questions or concerns.

    Kind Regards



    If I can do these, why should I buy a support package?


    Luke Nielsen


    Sorry, but it’s not included in our support because the site optimization is not related to the theme. Our theme is optimized for speed and should not significantly slow down your website. However, it’s possible that your website’s performance is affected by the content you have added. For instance, the use of too many plugins, large unoptimized images, or other resources can slow down your website.

    Let me know if you have any questions, I’d be happy to answer them.

    Kind Regards

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