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Read More tag

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  • #557394


    Hello I added this code for read more on .wd-term-desc and .term-description it works normally. But when I click to filter it doesnt work could you help

    Test page : https://woocommerce-1246687-4467891.cloudwaysapps.com/chairs/

    On document ready JS
    `jQuery(document).ready(function($) {
    // Maximum length of the description for desktop and mobile
    var maxLengthDesktopTerm = 250; // Masaüstü için term-description için karakter sayısı
    var maxLengthMobileTerm = 120; // Mobil için term-description için karakter sayısı

    var maxLengthDesktopWd = 300; // Masaüstü için wd-term-desc için karakter sayısı
    var maxLengthMobileWd = 150; // Mobil için wd-term-desc için karakter sayısı

    // Function to toggle between full and shortened description
    function toggleDescription($description, fullDescription, shortenedDescription, maxLength) {
    var $readMore = $description.find(‘.vocarte.read-more’);
    var $readLess = $description.find(‘.vocarte.read-less’);

    $description.find(‘p’).html(fullDescription + ‘<br><span class=”vocarte read-less”> <span class=”toggle-description”>Read Less</span></span>’);

    // Loop through all term-description elements
    $(‘.term-description’).each(function() {
    var $this = $(this);
    var description = $this.find(‘p’).text();

    // Determine maximum length based on device type
    var maxLength = window.innerWidth > 768 ? maxLengthDesktopTerm : maxLengthMobileTerm;
    var shortenedDescription = description.substring(0, maxLength);
    var fullDescription = description;

    // If the description is longer than the maximum length
    if (description.length > maxLength) {
    // Show the shortened description, add “Read More” link
    $this.find(‘p’).html(shortenedDescription + ‘<br><span class=”vocarte read-more”>… <span class=”toggle-description”>Read More</span></span>’);

    // Toggle between full and shortened description on “Read More” or “Read Less” click
    $this.on(‘click’, ‘.toggle-description’, function(e) {
    e.preventDefault(); // Sayfanın en üstüne gitmeyi önle
    var scrollPosition = $(window).scrollTop(); // Mevcut scroll pozisyonunu kaydet
    if ($this.find(‘.vocarte.read-more’).is(‘:visible’)) {
    toggleDescription($this, fullDescription, shortenedDescription, maxLength);
    } else {
    $this.find(‘p’).html(shortenedDescription + ‘<br><span class=”vocarte read-more”>… <span class=”toggle-description”>Read More</span></span>’);
    $(window).scrollTop(scrollPosition); // Kaydedilen scroll pozisyonuna geri dön

    // Loop through all wd-term-desc elements
    $(‘.wd-term-desc’).each(function() {
    var $this = $(this);
    var description = $this.find(‘p’).text();

    // Determine maximum length based on device type
    var maxLength = window.innerWidth > 768 ? maxLengthDesktopWd : maxLengthMobileWd;
    var shortenedDescription = description.substring(0, maxLength);
    var fullDescription = description;

    // If the description is longer than the maximum length
    if (description.length > maxLength) {
    // Show the shortened description, add “Read More” link
    $this.find(‘p’).html(shortenedDescription + ‘<br><span class=”vocarte read-more”>… <span class=”toggle-description”>Read More</span></span>’);

    // Toggle between full and shortened description on “Read More” or “Read Less” click
    $this.on(‘click’, ‘.toggle-description’, function(e) {
    e.preventDefault(); // Sayfanın en üstüne gitmeyi önle
    var scrollPosition = $(window).scrollTop(); // Mevcut scroll pozisyonunu kaydet
    if ($this.find(‘.vocarte.read-more’).is(‘:visible’)) {
    toggleDescription($this, fullDescription, shortenedDescription, maxLength);
    } else {
    $this.find(‘p’).html(shortenedDescription + ‘<br><span class=”vocarte read-more”>… <span class=”toggle-description”>Read More</span></span>’);
    $(window).scrollTop(scrollPosition); // Kaydedilen scroll pozisyonuna geri dön

    // Function to handle window resize event
    $(window).resize(function() {
    // Loop through all term-description elements and update description lengths
    $(‘.term-description’).each(function() {
    var $this = $(this);
    var description = $this.find(‘p’).text();

    // Determine maximum length based on device type
    var maxLength = window.innerWidth > 768 ? maxLengthDesktopTerm : maxLengthMobileTerm;

    // Update shortened description
    var shortenedDescription = description.substring(0, maxLength);

    // If the description is longer than the maximum length and Read More button is visible,
    // update the description text to match the new maximum length
    if (description.length > maxLength && $this.find(‘.vocarte.read-more’).is(‘:visible’)) {
    $this.find(‘p’).html(shortenedDescription + ‘<br><span class=”vocarte read-more”>… <span class=”toggle-description”>Read More</span></span>’);

    // Loop through all wd-term-desc elements and update description lengths
    $(‘.wd-term-desc’).each(function() {
    var $this = $(this);
    var description = $this.find(‘p’).text();

    // Determine maximum length based on device type
    var maxLength = window.innerWidth > 768 ? maxLengthDesktopWd : maxLengthMobileWd;

    // Update shortened description
    var shortenedDescription = description.substring(0, maxLength);

    // If the description is longer than the maximum length and Read More button is visible,
    // update the description text to match the new maximum length
    if (description.length > maxLength && $this.find(‘.vocarte.read-more’).is(‘:visible’)) {
    $this.find(‘p’).html(shortenedDescription + ‘<br><span class=”vocarte read-more”>… <span class=”toggle-description”>Read More</span></span>’);

    Have a nice day


    Hung Pham

    Hi sergenadiyaman,

    Thanks for reaching to us.

    Unfortunately, additional customization is outside the scope of our basic support.

    Thanks for your understanding.


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