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Remove padding from promo banner images & incorrect font displaying

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  • #2884


    Hi there,

    Sorry to ask another question!

    I’m trying to replicate the 50/50 promo banner & text in a single row, exactly as displayed on the home page of the swimsuit demo: https://www.dropbox.com/s/ro43krgdt4g2fvn/Screen%20Shot%202016-08-19%20at%205.16.32%20PM.png?dl=0

    I’m having two issues, as displayed here: https://www.dropbox.com/s/f978xzpx7awq20u/Screen%20Shot%202016-08-19%20at%205.09.27%20PM.png?dl=0

    1. I can’t remove the padding around the images so they appear with no spacing (i.e. between the images above and below)
    2. The font should be appearing as ‘Satisfy’ as per the demo (and it appears to be set-up this way in the text editor). However as per this image, this font is not being displayed.


    Artem Temos


    1. Do you mean about spacing between images and borders (right and left)? To avoid them you probably need to upload larger image. We could be more helpful if see your live site.

    2. Try to use this code to place “Satisfy” font for the heading

    <h1 class="font-alt color-primary" style="font-family: Satisfy; font-size: 50px; margin-bottom: 0;">Read more about<br>
    our lingerie store.</h1>
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