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Search disable Enter Key

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  • #395746



    With the ajax search, is it possible to disable the Enter key?

    Currently as you type, the ajax filter works well, but it is quite a common habit to hit enter after typing (if ajax has not been quick enough) and this then takes you to the search page (away from ajax results).

    Is it possible to disable the enter key for the search input, and then simply rely on the user clicking on. “View all results” should they wish to see all results page?

    Furthermore, after having performed a search I note the text remains in the search input if you close then open the search again (without having clicked on a link) but the results are not displayed. Is it possible to retain the previous search results, or perhaps clear the search input when you reopen the search?

    Thank you.


    Artem Temos


    Unfortunately, it is not possible to change the behavior of the search form without additional code customization. There are no such options in our theme.

    Kind Regards



    Thank you for letting me know.


    Artem Temos

    You are welcome! Feel free to contact us if you have any further questions.

    Kind Regards


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