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Shop Page and Customization Challenges

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  • #531808



    I am facing a challenge with my shop page. I have imported a demo shop page through the layout menu (https://one-horizon.ch/post/woodmart_layout/shop-one-horizon/). My goal is to enable infinite scrolling.

    Additionally, I am interested in how I can expand a specific element across the entire width, even if the page width is limited. An example of this is the slider on my website “www.one-horizon.ch,” which occupies the entire width. In the element details, I cannot find any customized CSS or similar that I could adopt. My aim is to insert a video across the entire width instead of the slider.

    Furthermore, I am missing the setting options for pages in RankMath, which seem to be somehow hidden by the theme. Does anyone have an idea on how I can customize these?

    Thank you in advance!

    Best regards,



    I want this theme for infinite scrolling, but I can’t select it under the Layout menu.


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    Hung Pham

    Hi kontakt-4135,

    Thanks for reaching to us and appreciate your patience.

    1. Width

    Sorry, but your answer is a bit unclear to me. Please describe in more details, this will allow me to thoroughly investigate and address your concerns in a more efficient.

    2. RankMath

    I kindly request you to conduct a check by activating the default WordPress Theme, such as Storefront or Twenty Twenty-Three (Appearance > Themes) and keep WoodMart Core and WooCommerce plugins activated. This is to ascertain whether the issue you are experiencing is due to our theme or not.

    3. Infinite scrolling

    You can select this Predefined layout https://prnt.sc/BQLxA6CgPJNs

    Then, you can enable Infinite Scrolling option in Theme Settings > Product archive > Products grid https://prnt.sc/pIJC615qeQsR


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