Home Forums Basel support forum Wishlist page is missing – its functionality re-directs to 'blog'

Wishlist page is missing – its functionality re-directs to 'blog'

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  • #93317



    On your Basel theme demo it shows the Wishlist page, as demonstrated here.
    I have already your instruction/solution for another Basel theme user with similar issues but for me, when I go to that place in my theme it does not exist. It never existed (I know I didn’t delete it by accident because on my localhost dev. version the page doesn’t exist there either among all the other imported Basel pages).

    I give you permission to log in with the provided credentials within this posts ‘Private Content’ to create the Wishlist page and resolve the issue.

    Kind regards



    You need to create a page, insert the shortcode [yith_wcwl_wishlist] and set it in the plugin. I have already done that and your page is working now.

    Best Regards



    I tried to edit the page within the dashboard and wpbakery but I am unable to remove the ‘share on’ social buttons that are on the bottom of the wishlist page. How can i remove them?

    Many thanks for your continued support!



    You need to disable sharing option in the plugin http://prntscr.com/lq5t21 Enter the plugin and you will find them.

    I would like to get bak to the issue of “HOW TO REMOVE COMMENTS ON BLOG POST (OR ANY PAGE)”

    I have provided CSS code, please remove it from the Theme Settings. Navigate to the Settings > Discussions and disable the comments http://prntscr.com/lq5ua2

    I do apologize for the mistake.

    Best Regards

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