We are so happy to announce a new version of our WoodMart 6.2 update. Our main focus this year is refactoring and improving all the existing functionality. We spent a few months rebuilding our dummy content from scratch. Now WoodMart has a new interface for our dummy content import, fewer differences between dummy content and demo websites, and all images are included for demo purposes. And now you can delete all the dummy content in a single click (works only with newly imported dummy content after the 6.2 updates). All demo versions are built with our new elements to improve the appearance, reduce page size, and give more responsive controls. This update includes a lot of other improvements, new elements, performance fixes, and new demo versions.
Note that we tried to do our best to avoid any breaking changes in our update. So if you face any bugs or errors, don’t hesitate to create a topic on our support forum and we will provide you with the help asap.
New demo versions
New dummy content
Our dummy content now has a brand new interface and allows you to create a website that will be an identical copy of our demo. It includes almost all images and uses new options such as responsive margins and paddings instead of VH, new elements for images, texts, tabs, etc. Also, the new dummy content allows you to clear it after importing or uploading another version removing all the images and content from the previous one.

New responsive controls for WPBakery
Now you can control your elements margins and paddings for tablet and mobile devices separately as you can do this with Elementor. There are also a few options that allow you to hide some elements on particular devices as it is possible with columns.

Image or SVG element
This element is added to optimize styles and reduce the CSS file. WPBakery image element CSS size is 9.22KB but our own element doesn’t load any CSS at all. It also allows you to display SVG graphics.
Tabs and Accordion element
These elements also optimize performance and usability. Tabs and accordion elements on WPBakery load 268KB of CSS on your website. Our theme elements are 1.24KB and 1.95KB accordingly. We highly recommend you replace all tabs and accordions on your website with our new ones.
Mailchimp element for WPBakery page builder
We used the default plugin’s shortcode to display the form in the past. Now you can use our new element. It also allows us to add additional styles to the form in the future and reduce the CSS file size.
Change base body typography settings
Now, this option also affects font size on product loop elements, widgets, and other shop page elements. And it allows you to increase/decrease the font size for the whole website more conveniently.
Full changelog
- ADDED: NEW VERSION – Smart home
- NEW FEATURE: Brand new dummy content import interface and functionality (Screenshot)
- NEW FEATURE: Ability to remove all the dummy content (Screenshot)
- ADDED: “Tabs” element for WPBakery and Elementor (Screenshot)
- ADDED: “Accordion” element for WPBakery and Elementor (Screenshot)
- ADDED: “Image or SVG” element for WPBakery and Elementor (Screenshot)
- ADDED: “Mailchimp” element for WPBakery (Screenshot)
- ADDED: “Text block” element for WPBakery and Elementor (Screenshot)
- ADDED: Support of ALL default “Gutenberg” blocks (Screenshot)
- ADDED: Support of ALL WooCommerce “Gutenberg” blocks (Screenshot)
- ADDED: Support of block-based “Gutenberg” widgets (Screenshot)
- ADDED: “Width” selection option in PX for elements “Section title”, “Promo banner”, “Banners carousel” for WPBakery and Elementor (Screenshot)
- ADDED: Option to select different icon for each item in “List” element for WPBakery and Elementor (Screenshot)
- ADDED: Option “List items gap” to “List” element for WPBakery and Elementor (Screenshot)
- ADDED: Animation “Slide short from left” for WPBakery and Elementor (Screenshot)
- ADDED: Options “Items gap” and “Alignment” to “Mega menu” element for WPBakery and Elementor (Screenshot)
- ADDED: “Design options” for “Mega menu” WPBakery element (Screenshot)
- ADDED: “Design” option for “Mega menu” WPBakery element (Screenshot)
- ADDED: Options “Items gap” to “Menu” and “Main menu” element in Header builder (Screenshot)
- ADDED: Option “Collapsible content” to “Column” element in WPBakery and Elementor (Screenshot, Video)
- ADDED: Responsive tabs have been added to all elements in “CSS Box” in WPBakery (Screenshot)
- ADDED: “Box Shadow” option for Row, Row inner, Column, Column inner, Section, Image or SVG, Accordion elements (Screenshot)
- ADDED: “Z Index” option for Row, Row inner, Column, Column inner, Section, Info box elements (Screenshot)
- ADDED: Custom fonts now available to select in Elementor typography (Screenshot)
- ADDED: Options Disable background image (tablet, mobile), Background gradient, Background parallax, Disable “overflow:hidden;” for “Row inner” in WPBakery (Screenshot)
- ADDED: Options Color scheme, Enable parallax on mouse scroll, Enable sticky column, Disable background, Background parallax for “Column inner” in WPBakery (Screenshot)
- ADDED: Hide element – Desktop, Tablet, Landscape Tablet, Mobile for Infobox and Promo Banner in WPBakery (Screenshot)
- ADDED: “Highlight text style” option for “Promo banner”, “Banners carousel”, “Section title” elements (Screenshot)
- ADDED: “Page” and “All” post type to “Search” element in header builder (Screenshot)
- IMPROVED: Added additional styles to “WC Vendors” plugin (Plugin)
- IMPROVED: “Masonry” and “Different sizes” options on “Wishlist” page
- IMPROVED: “Gutenberg” backend editor now matches styles from theme frontend (Video)
- IMPROVED: Lazy loading now works in “Instagram” element
- FIXED: Slides background issue during loading in Woodmart slider
- FIXED: WCFM Marketplace plugin popup issue with closing overlay
- FIXED: Countdown timer with RTL
- FIXED: Categories menu dropdown arrows
- FIXED: WordPress admin bar dropdown in mobile devices
- FIXED: Shop page product sorting with dark theme enabled
- FIXED: Track order form button color
- FIXED: Headings font style in mobile cart table
- FIXED: Categories carousel element with “Disable OWL Carousel scripts on mobile devices” option
- FIXED: Logo HTML error (Screenshot)
- FIXED: Lazy loading on checkout
- FIXED: Product element spacing 0 option
- FIXED: AJAX Shop with breadcrumbs link (Topic)
- FIXED: WPML change default header
- FIXED: Custom links for “Image Gallery” – Elementor
- FIXED: Woodmart layered nav widget delete unnecessary database query
- FIXED: Select2 script in admin dashboard now loaded if needed
- FIXED: Added “aria-label” attribute to empty links
- FIXED: The “Wishlist” in the mobile menu will be hidden if the user is not logged in
- FIXED: Option “Show Zoom image icon” will be hidden if “Main image click action” equal “zoom”
- FIXED: “General” tab translate in header builder
- FIXED: WCFM Marketplace vendor page styles (Plugin)
- FIXED: WCFM Marketplace store page & store listing buttons styles
- FIXED: WCFM Marketplace store listing map z-index issue
- FIXED: “Infobox” click attribute bug on Elementor
- FIXED: Sidebar with relevant search
- FIXED: My account dropdown on mobile devices (Topic)
- FIXED: Progress bar PHP error
- FIXED: Fixed “LOAD MORE PROJECTS” button on portfolio pages
- FIXED: Removed unnecessary database query when “Wishlist” is disabled
- FIXED: Empty width and height image attributed in special icons
- FIXED: Empty width and height image attributed in “List” element
- FIXED: Fixed WooCommerce Adjacent Products (Screenshot)
- FIXED: Loader issue in the latest version of Contact Form 7 plugin (Topic)
- FIXED: Fixed single product additional variation images PHP errors (Topic)
- FIXED: WPML config file (Topic)
- FIXED: PHP error with Yith Compare (Topic)
- FIXED: Countdown timer after AJAX
- FIXED: Single project page with portfolio element inside issue (Topic)
- FIXED: White label images in Appearance -> Themes ()
- FIXED: Product filters with header issue
- FIXED: WCFM Marketplace plugin product pagination
- FIXED: PHP errors on single product page
- FIXED: Layered nav missing label option
- FIXED: Allow title element print title with H tags
- FIXED: PHP performance fixes
- FIXED: Layered nav widget count option performance (Topic)
- FIXED: Mini cart quantity issue on pages without products (Topic)
- FIXED: Footer CSS and “Woo wrapper” table script now included if needed (Topic)
- FIXED: Elementor HTML block styles not loading inline anymore (Topic)
- FIXED: Header builder crashed if disabled rich editor in WordPress (Screenshot)
- FIXED: “Images gallery” Elementor element alt attribute for image (Topic)
- FIXED: Transitions flicker fix
- FIXED: Conflicts with plugin “Max Mega Menu” (Plugin)
- FIXED: Lazy loading in mobile menu and categories menu
- FIXED: Mega menu element styles (Topic)
- FIXED: Links pagination in product elements (Topic)
- FIXED: Added delay 300ms before AJAX search and added filter to change value “woodmart_ajax_search_delay” (Topic)
- FIXED: Our brands added to Woocommerce schema on single product (Topic)
- FIXED: Wordfence captcha in login sidebar compatibility
- FIXED: WooCommerce AJAX add to cart performance
- FIXED: Unnecessary wishlist database query in admin dashboard
- FIXED: Style issue with enabled “Load Elementor optimized CSS” option
- FIXED: Owl Carousel JS errors in DevTools console
- FIXED: Social login button icon issue (Topic)
- FIXED: “product_variation” post type now working with compare/wishlist/quick view (Topic)
- FIXED: Brand logo with grid swatches issue (Topic)
- FIXED: Various PHP errors, warnings, and notices
- FIXED: PHP error with REST WooCommerce API (Topic)
- FIXED: Disable OWl on mobile with Product tabs element issue (Topic)
- FIXED: Single product gallery issue on mobile devices
- FIXED: Removed unnecessary “woodmart-font.woff” icon font file
- THEME SETTINGS: “Hide widget after” option min value changed from 2 to 1 (Screenshot)
- UPDATED: Google fonts list
- UPDATED: Change fonts size on all widgets, product loop element, on shop page element
- UPDATED: “Woodmart Extras” renamed to “Advanced” in WPBakery
- UPDATED: Woodmart Core plugin to 1.0.30
- DEV: Added filter to change mini cart products limit “woodmart_mini_cart_items_to_show”