The long-awaited update 6.3 is ready and available for download on ThemeForest or through your WordPress admin panel. We have been working for a long time to ensure that our new version gives our users even more opportunities to create their WordPress websites. Separately, we want to thank everyone who took part in our beta testing. It is very important for us to release the most stable version and we take the testing process very seriously. Your help in this is very important and we are very grateful to you.
WooCommerce layouts builder
The main innovation that our users will receive with the 6.3 update is the WooCommerce layouts builder. Now you can create your custom layouts for a product, catalog, cart, and checkout pages using Elementor or WPBakery drag and drop builders. To do this, you do not need to buy or install additional plugins such as Elementor Pro. This functionality is available out of the box in our theme. All the necessary elements to create these pages have been added in our update. You can find this new functionality in a new section in your WordPress dashboard called “Layouts”. Don’t forget to update the WoodMart Core plugin along with the theme.

All new custom shop, product, cart and checkout pages can be imported directly from there. When you click on the “Add new” button there you will see a list of predefined layouts. Choose your layout and click on the “Create layout” button to import it.

Patcher mechanism
In addition, we have added a new patcher mechanism. This feature makes it possible to release small patches immediately after they are reported to support. You don’t have to wait for the next update if there are any problems and don’t need to customize theme files manually. Just click a button and the patch will be applied in a few seconds.

And of course, we also have a number of improvements, new options, and optimizations. You can check out our changelog below. We tried to describe all items in detail with screenshots and links to topics from our forum. If you encounter any problems after the update, please write to us and we will do our best to fix them as soon as possible.
Useful links for the 6.3 update
WoodMart WooCommerce layouts builder documentation
Create a topic on WoodMart support forum
Full changelog
- NEW FEATURE: Frequently bought together. (Screenshot)
- NEW FEATURE: Theme dashboard new UI. (Screenshot)
- NEW FEATURE: Multiple wishlists. (Screenshot, Screenshot)
- NEW FEATURE: Product linked variations. (Screenshot)
- NEW FEATURE: Global and elements rounding options. (Screenshot, Screenshot)
- NEW FEATURE: Show single variation products. (Screenshot)
- ADDED: NEW VERSION – Accessories
- ADDED: New custom shop page #11. (Demo)
- ADDED: New custom shop page #12. (Demo)
- ADDED: New custom shop page #13. (Demo)
- ADDED: New custom product page #11. (Demo)
- ADDED: “Status” dashboard page. (Screenshot)
- ADDED: “Changelog” dashboard page. (Screenshot)
- ADDED: “Theme settings backup” dashboard page. (Screenshot)
- ADDED: Bulk actions for products wishlist. (Screenshot)
- ADDED: Notification about change in wishlist products status. (Screenshot)
- ADDED: Compare by category. (Screenshot, Screenshot)
- ADDED: “Show dropdown with category” option to header builder compare element. (Screenshot)(Screenshot)
- ADDED: Product swatches styles option. (Screenshot, Screenshot)
- ADDED: Disabled product swatches styles option. (Screenshot)
- ADDED: Product swathes shape option. (Screenshot)
- ADDED: Product swatches styles & shape options for “WoodMart WooCommerce Layered Nav” widget. (Screenshot)
- ADDED: Product swatches styles & shape options for “Product filters” element. (Screenshot)
- ADDED: New product swatches sizes. (Screenshot)
- ADDED: Attribute hint. (Screenshot)
- ADDED: Theme settings options hints. (Screenshot)
- ADDED: Extra content for product category. (Screenshot)
- ADDED: Ability to disable custom layouts. (Screenshot)
- ADDED: Ability to manage slides on slider edit page. (Screenshot)
- ADDED: Ability to manage sliders and slides on slide edit page. (Screenshot)
- ADDED: WPML languages for header builder elements. (Screenshot)
- ADDED: “On backorder” filter in stock status widget. (Screenshot)
- ADDED: Currency switcher support for free shipping progress bar when active “WOOCS – WooCommerce Currency Switcher“ or “WooCommerce Multilingual & Multicurrency” plugins. (Screenshot)
- ADDED: Additional custom product tab. (Screenshot)(Topic)
- ADDED: Color options for product labels. (Screenshot)
- ADDED: Popup text color option for promo popup. (Screenshot)
- ADDED: “Inherit current product” option in size guide element. (Screenshot)(Topic)
- ADDED: Additional “White label” options. (Screenshot)
- ADDED: “Element title” option to “Product countdown” element. (Screenshot)
- ADDED: Lazy loading to product image swatches.
- ADDED: Typography option to “List” element.
- FIXED: “current-menu-item” class for portfolio page. (Screenshot)
- FIXED: Mini cart quantity max value typing issue.
- FIXED: Blog design “Meta image” responsive columns issue.
- FIXED: Products element issue. (Topic)
- FIXED: W3C errors with tabs on single product page. (Topic)
- FIXED: Image category in page title. (Topic)
- FIXED: Import dummy content and lookup regeneration issue. (Topic)
- FIXED: Show products brand in quick view with active “Show brand on the single product page” option. (Topic)
- FIXED: WoodMart slider with “Distortion” effect. (Topic)
- FIXED: CSS generation with active theme settings presets. (Topic)
- FIXED: Import dummy content issue. (Topic)
- FIXED: WoodMart Layouts translate when active “WPML” plugin. (Topic)
- FIXED: Yoast optimize SEO issue. (Topic)
- FIXED: W3C errors in shop page.
- FIXED: Quantity input on shopping cart widget. (Topic)
- FIXED: AJAX add to cart with “Fancy Product Designer” plugin. (Topic)
- FIXED: Fixed output related product with active WPML plugin. (Topic)
- FIXED: Off canvas button in mobile sticky navbar when layout builder is active. (Topic)
- FIXED: Google Lighthouse notices. (Topic)
- FIXED: AJAX mobile search element for header builder. (Topic)
- FIXED: Dokan plugin dashboard mobile menu. (Topic)
- FIXED: Product loop hover image with “.png” format. (Topic)
- FIXED: “MFP-popup” library navigation with third-party plugins. (Topic)
- FIXED: “Full width button” product hover with “Hover content” disabled.
- FIXED: “font-display for Google Fonts” option renamed to “font-display for text fonts”.
- FIXED: “Typekit fonts” options renamed to “Adobe fonts”.
- FIXED: Product title visibility with Elementor “Hide title” option enabled in HTML Block.
- FIXED: “Stock” label styles in compare page table.
- FIXED: Menu labels with RTL.
- FIXED: “More description” button in hotspot element.
- FIXED: Dropdown position in Mega Menu widget element.
- FIXED: Size guide empty style tag.
- FIXED: Include Elementor plugin files.
- FIXED: “Preloader” option with WPBakery builder full-width rows.
- FIXED: Render upsells, when “upsells products position” equal “hide”.
- FIXED: Slides per row option for tablet devices in Elementor Page Builder elements. (Topic)
- FIXED: Shipping calculation in cart page created with WoodMart layout builder. (Topic)
- FIXED: Checkbox in “Filter product by attribute” widget. (Topic)
- FIXED: “Masonry grid“ in products loop. (Topic)
- FIXED: Single product reviews. (Topic)
- DEV: Added filter “woodmart_show_infobox_svg_by_tag” for info box.
- IMPROVED: plugin “Stripe” styles (Screenshot)(Screenshot)(Screenshot)(Screenshot)(Screenshot)
- IMPROVED: Product swatches styles and structure.
- IMPROVED: “Theme settings presets” moved to separate page with own interface. (Screenshot)
- IMPROVED: “Masonry grid” option moved to “Products grid” section.
- IMPROVED: “Login / Register” options moved into the new “My account” section.
- IMPROVED: “Social authentication” options moved to “API integrations”. (Screenshot)
- IMPROVED: “General layout” options moved to “General”. (Screenshot)
- IMPROVED: Variable products related options merged to own section “Variable products”. (Screenshot)
- UPDATED: Google fonts list.
- DEPRECATED: “Combine CSS files”, “Include minified CSS”, “Light bootstrap grid version”, “Combine JS files”, “Include minified JS”, “Include minified JS”.
- DEPRECATED: CSS files for old Mailchimp form structure.