New feature Show brands in single product meta option. (Screenshot)
New feature Support for WooCommerce product brands. (Screenshot)
Improved Clear cache functionality for Elementor’s “Element Caching” upon saving theme settings.
Improved The title of marquee repeater items now comes from the marquee content. (Screenshot)
Improved SVGs are now displayed using the tag in multiple places.
Improved Widget previews are now hidden.
Improved Product row icons are now displayed using font icons.
Fixed Render the ‘Results from blog’ content when there are no results.
Fixed Flex issues in elements inside the container, like Google Map, Image Gallery, Mailchimp, Product Categories, Title, Video, Banner Carousel, Blog, Instagram, Portfolio, and Products.
Fixed Gallery badges with custom single product template. (Topic)
Fixed One page menu scroll delay.
Fixed Waypoints library enqueue.
Fixed Single product accordion hash #reviews tab opening logic.
Fixed Issue with the accordion in the Elementor editor for single product pages. (Topic)
Fixed Warning about early initialization of translations. (Topic)
Fixed Deprecated messages.
Fixed Marquee SVG images width with lazy loading enabled.
Fixed Issues with negative gap classes in containers and sections.
Fixed Checkout layout for plugins WooCommerce Stripe Gateway and WooCommerce PayPal Payments.
Fixed Coupon notices in cart and checkout pages.
Fixed The extra spacing of the notice element. (Screenshot)
Fixed Product loop design “Add to cart” hover issue. (Topic)
Fixed Dropdowns position in full width header. (Topic)
Fixed Contact form 7 submit button wrap issue. (Screenshot)
New feature rel=”nofollow” attribute for Compare, Wishlist, Quick view buttons to reduce their impact on Google crawling.
New feature Anchor text “#tab-xts_additional_tab” and ‘”#tab-xts_custom_additional_tab” for single product tabs.
New feature Hide “out of stock” products in product element
Improved Cookie secure param now depends on whether your site uses the SSL protocol. Also can be changed manually using a filter “xts_cookie_secure_param”. (Topic)
Improved Shop page column selector does not affect if loop display mode is subcategories. (Topic)
Improved After loading products by load more button breadcrumbs also change to the current page.
Improved Compare and Wishlist page options added to wpml-config.xml. (Topic)
Improved Theme elements added to wpml-config.xml.
Improved Theme settings search array now loaded by AJAX only in Theme settings.
Improved Google fonts list now loaded by AJAX only in Theme settings.