Manual update

Update process

Before trying to update our theme manually we highly recommend you to try our auto-update option. If you had problems with the theme activation or update process then you can do this manually. This method is to upload and replace the theme folder to the server as a standard WordPress installation. The general preparation in the same as for auto-update: 

  1. Read our update changelog to see what changes were made and how they may affect your website
  2. Highly recommended to backup all files and database before any update
  3. Temporarily turn off optimizations and cache plugins
  4. Update WordPress CMS to the latest version

Update using FTP

To update the theme you need to connect your server via FTP or file manager (cPanel, Please etc.) and replace your current theme folder. Here is a step by step instruction

  1. Download the theme files from Account -> Downloads or on the theme’s page
  2. Connect to your hosting (server) via FTP client or open the control panel File manager (cPanel, Plesk, etc.)
  3. Remove your current theme folder in 
  4. Upload the file to the folder 
  5. Unzip the file so you get the folder like this wp-content/themes/theme-name/
NOTE: Be sure that you remove all theme files from the old version completely and not simply replace the folder.

“Easy Theme and Plugin Upgrades” plugin

We also recommend you to use “Easy Theme and Plugin Upgrades” plugin to update existing plugins and themes, including our own theme. With this tool you don’t need to rename or delete your theme through the FTP. Just upload new archive and it will replace your existing files.

  1. Download the theme files from Account -> Downloads or on the theme’s page
  2.  Install “Easy Theme and Plugin Upgrades” plugin
  3. Go to Dashboard -> Appearance -> Themes -> Add new
  4. Choose the theme zip file and upload it as you do with a regular WordPress theme installation
NOTE: If you did some customization/code changes directly in our theme files you might loose them after updating all files
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