
Our theme utilizes the WordPress widgets feature and extends it with a few useful ones. They can be used on your website sidebars and in the footer. All widgets can be separated into two parts: content widgets and shop widgets. You find them and put them to your widgets areas in WordPress Dashboard -> Appearance -> Widgets.

Here is a list of all of them:

Content widgets

  1. [XTemos] AJAX search
  2. [XTemos] HTML Block
  3. [XTemos] Image or SVG
  4. [XTemos] Instagram
  5. [XTemos] Mega menu
  6. [XTemos] Recent posts
  7. [XTemos] Social buttons
  8. [XTemos] Social counters
  9. [XTemos] Twitter

Shop widgets

  1. [XTemos] Filter Products by Attribute
  2. [XTemos] Filter Products by Price
  3. [XTemos] Sort by
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