Another big update for the WoodMart theme is coming out. We don’t stop and keep working on new features and improvements which make WoodMart the most powerful one-in-one solution for e-commerce websites based on WordPress. We pay more and more attention to conversion-related features and we spend weeks and months researching and developing the design of new Prebuilt websites that meet all current standards and trends in the e-commerce niche. It helps you create your store in just a few clicks and customize it to your needs.
7.1 WoodMart update includes Mega electronics prebuilt website with a modern design and new important features like an advanced reviews system, product video gallery, new layouts for shop, product and checkout pages, new attributes table, sticky vertical navigation, and much more. All of these features will increase the credibility of your site and what is really important reduce the number of plugins you need making it lighter and faster.
Product reviews
Reviews are vital functionality for any store. Customers trust you more by reading other people’s feedback about purchased products. WooCommerce has a very basic functionality for this by default. So we extended this with a lot of new possibilities to make it work as on the most popular e-commerce websites. This update includes such features as Pros and Cons, rating criteria, filtering and sorting, and new styles. You can see how it looks live on our demo.
Read more about all the options in our documentation here.
Product gallery video
It is a well-known fact that video gives much more information about the product than image and customers make purchase decisions faster after watching it. Now our theme supports multiple videos added directly to the gallery on the single product page. You can use YouTube, Vimeo as well as self-hosted videos. See how it works here
Sticky vertical navigation
Quick and understandable navigation is a very important part of any website. It helps visitors find things they are looking for easily. WoodMart has different types of navigation menus that can be placed in the header, sidebar, footer, and mobile header. In this update, we added another way to display your categories or any other links that are always on the screen. It is a sticky vertical bar that expands when you move your mouse over it or click on a special button in the header. See how it looks live on our demo.
Image gallery on product hover
If you don’t want to make your customers spend more time clicking on each product and back just to see their images you can take a look at our new option. It adds special navigation to quickly view all the product images right from the shop page. Your customers will browse your catalogs and purchase products faster. See on the demo.
Wishlists for administrators
We continue adding new options to our built-in wishlist module. Our theme’s wishlists feature now can be useful not only for the customers but for administrators as well. You as a store owner can now view the list of all the customers wishlists and analyze them. Also, you can view the list of most popular products which are most frequently added to your customers wishlists.

Important notes and breaking changes
We know that updates that change previously configured or customized parts of the website are very unpleasant and always struggle to avoid this. But there are some situations when we want to optimize and simplify certain parts of the website to improve the performance and usability that can’t be done without such changes. This update includes only a few small adjustments that may require your attention after this update.
Accent buttons
WoodMart used to have three main categories for buttons in Theme Settings: default, accent, and shop buttons. But as we know, in 99% of situations users don’t make accent and shop buttons look different since they usually have the same priority on the website. That is why we merged these two groups into one called “Accent buttons”. So if you see some buttons change their style after the update you may need to adjust them in Theme Settings -> Styles & Colors -> Buttons.
Blog design “Meta on image”
Our “Meta on image” blog design now has options “Blog style” and “Shadow”. And after adding these options your old style may now look with backougrnd and padding. If you don’t like this style you can switch to the “Flat” style in Theme Settings -> Blog -> Blog archive.

WPBakery stretch row with CSS
We used to enable WPBakery built-in option to stretch the row that works with JS. Now we have our own option for this that works with CSS which is simpler and faster. Take into account that if you want to use our new “Sticky navigation” you need to use our new stretch row option to make all spaces look correct.

Vertical thumbnails gallery for product
We redesigned and optimized our vertical thumbnails gallery on the product page. Now you can control a number of thumbnails per view in Theme Settings. Take into account that according to the new design, your thumbnail gallery will always have the same height as the main featured images. And because of that, your thumbnails might be cropped in certain circumstances. If you don’t like this behavior, you can switch to the old view via Theme Settings -> Single product -> Images -> Thumbnails per slide -> switch to “Default”.
Useful links for the 7.1 update
Product reviews – Documentation
Full changelog
- NEW VERSION: Mega Electronics
- NEW FEATURE: Sticky navigation. (Video)
- NEW FEATURE: Product reviews new fields, filters and sorting. (Screenshot)
- NEW FEATURE: Single product gallery video. (Video)
- NEW FEATURE: Product gallery on product loop. (Video)
- NEW FEATURE: Manage product cart content on checkout page. (Screenshot)
- ADDED: New custom shop page #14. (Demo)
- ADDED: New custom product page #12. (Demo)
- ADDED: Three icons fonts with different font weight (Video)
- ADDED: Pagination in single product main gallery option. (Video)
- ADDED: New product labels style. (Screenshot)
- ADDED: New stock status style. (Screenshot)
- ADDED: “Background overlay” option to “Main menu”, “Menu”, “Account” and “Categories” header elements. (Screenshot) (Video)
- ADDED: “Full height” design for navigation dropdowns. (Screenshot) (Screenshot)
- ADDED: “Enable scroll” option to “Full-width” and “Set sizes” dropdown designs. (Screenshot) (Video)
- ADDED: “Stretch section with CSS” option for “Row” and “Section” elements in WPBakery. (Screenshot)
- ADDED: New product review style. (Screenshot)
- ADDED: Product review “Pros and cons” option. (Video)
- ADDED: Reviews “Form location” option. (Video)
- ADDED: “Reviews columns” option. (Screenshot)
- ADDED: Review summary statistics panel. (Video)
- ADDED: “Rating by criteria” options. (Video)
- ADDED: Review “Likes” option. (Video)
- ADDED: “Verified owner” badge option. (Video)
- ADDED: Reviews sorting option. (Video)
- ADDED: “Filter reviews by images” option. (Video)
- ADDED: New “Search” element form style. (Screenshot)
- ADDED: Form shape option for “Search” element. (Screenshot)
- ADDED: Product category selector styles for “Search” element: “Default”, “Bordered”, “Separated”. (Screenshot)
- ADDED: Thumbnails per slide in single product gallery. (Video)
- ADDED: Title options to “Product additional information table” element. (Screenshot) (Screenshot)
- ADDED: Attribute name and term typography options to “Product additional information table” element. (Screenshot)
- ADDED: Data source option to “Product additional information table” element. (Screenshot)
- ADDED: Product loop background options in Theme Settings and product related elements. (Screenshot)
- ADDED: Product loop shadow option in Theme Settings and product related elements. (Video)
- ADDED: Product loop color-scheme option in Theme Settings and product related elements. (Screenshot)
- ADDED: “Table” element. (Screenshot, Screenshot)
- ADDED: “Product stock status” element. (Screenshot)
- ADDED: “Open street map” element. (Screenshot, Screenshot)
- ADDED: “Multiple markers” option to Google map element. (Screenshot)
- ADDED: “Countdown timer” option to Promo banner element. (Screenshot)
- ADDED: Access key for maintenance mode. (Screenshot)
- ADDED: Preset by user role. (Screenshot)
- ADDED: “Product image” option on the checkout page order review table. (Video)
- ADDED: “Quantity” option on the checkout page order review table. (Video)
- ADDED: “Remove button” option on the checkout page order review table. (Video)
- ADDED: “Link to product” option on the checkout page order review table. (Screenshot)
- ADDED: Clients wishlist overview page. (Screenshot)
- ADDED: Custom CSS for admin dashboard. (Screenshot)
- ADDED: Style option “Background” for Header “Main menu” & “Menu” elements. (Screenshot) (Video)
- ADDED: Show\Hide password characters button for login and register forms on “My account” page. (Screenshot)
- ADDED: “Hide top and bottom border” for Accordion element with “Default” style. (Screenshot)
- ADDED: “Extra product options For WooCommerce” plugin support. (Link)
- ADDED: “WooCommerce Payments” plugin support. (Link)
- ADDED: “PayPal Payments” plugin support. (Link)
- ADDED: “Klarna Payments” plugin support. (Link)
- ADDED: “Klarna Checkout” plugin support. (Link)
- ADDED: New icon designs for the next header builder elements: Account, Wishlist, Compare, Cart, Main menu, Search, Mobile menu. (Screenshot)
- ADDED: “Sticky navigation” element to the header builder. (Screenshot) (Video)
- ADDED: “Background wrap type” option for several icon designs with the background. (Screenshot)
- ADDED: New slider pagination style. (Screenshot)
- ADDED: Slider pagination horizontal alignment option. (Screenshot)
- ADDED: Typography for default button and accent button. (Screenshot)
- ADDED: Ability to change typography and colors for all buttons. (Screenshot)
- ADDED: “Video” element play button size option in WPBakery. (Screenshot)
- ADDED: Change product image on attribute click. (Screenshot, Video)
- ADDED: Vertical alignment image option to information box element. (Screenshot)
- ADDED: Ability to upload an image to button element. (Screenshot)(Screenshot)
- ADDED: Custom typography to button element. (Screenshot)
- ADDED: Custom color to button element. (Screenshot)
- ADDED: Hide countdown timer element on finish time. (Video)
- FIXED: Linked Variations on the product page. (Topic)
- FIXED: Title typography in “Product Categories” element. (Topic)
- FIXED: Add to cart button on responsive in product hover style “Quick”. (Topic)
- FIXED: “Disabled swatch style” with lazy-loading. (Topic)
- FIXED: Product thumbnail border-radius at mobile cart. (Topic)
- FIXED: Advanced typography for Product title at mobile grid. (Topic)
- FIXED: Product swatches styles on iOS devices. (Topic)
- FIXED: Product visitors counter issue. (Topic, Topic)
- FIXED: Widgets editor with Gutenberg editor. (Topic)
- FIXED: Send on sales products issue. (Topic, Topic)
- FIXED: Image hotspot element without product. (Topic)
- FIXED: Stock status product in product grid issue. (Topic)
- FIXED: WooCommerce notices in checkout page. (Topic)
- FIXED: Show empty product category in size guide editor. (Topic)
- FIXED: W3C errors with full screen search. (Topic)
- FIXED: Output variation products on wishlist page. (Topic, Topic)
- FIXED: Changed title tag in Recent Posts widget. (Topic)
- FIXED: Autoload for theme settings backup option. (Topic)
- FIXED: Full-width row spacing in the Opera browser. (Topic)
- FIXED: Product gallery with Elementor Pro. (Topic)
- FIXED: Brand image swatches size.
- FIXED: Background “Inherit” option in Woodmart Slider.
- FIXED: Header menus elements with “Display inline” option. (Topic)
- FIXED: Sticky header clone fade down animation. (Topic)
- FIXED: Price advanced typography selectors. (Topic)
- FIXED: Product swatches with Firefox browser issue. (Topic)
- FIXED: Google map element notice. (Topic)
- FIXED: Blog element issue. (Topic)(Topic)
- FIXED: Swatches variation issue. (Topic)
- FIXED: WP Rocket excluded pages issue. (Topic)
- FIXED: Frequently bought together with WOOCS – WooCommerce Currency Switcher plugin calculation issue. (Topic)
- FIXED: Wave Validator errors. (Topic)
- FIXED: WooCommerce export products issue. (Topic)
- FIXED: Portfolio pagination issue. (Topic)
- FIXED: Checkout payment with WoodMart Layouts. (Topic)
- FIXED: Elementor Data Updater issue. (Topic)
- FIXED: HTML dropdown with AJAX issue. (Topic)
- FIXED: Sanitize URL in slider link.
- FIXED: WooCommerce hooks elements with WoodMart Layouts. (Topic)
- FIXED: Variation out of stock in product grid issue. (Topic)
- FIXED: Include product sale price in Frequently bought together total.
- FIXED: Product image size with archive products element. (Topic)
- FIXED: “Screen options” display on theme-related dashboard pages. (Topic)
- FIXED: Menu dropdown design issue. (Topic)
- UPDATED: WooCommerce template.
- UPDATED: Google fonts list.
- DEV: Added filter “woodmart_shipping_progress_bar_amount” for shipping progress bar.
- DEV: Added filter “woodmart_get_numberposts_by_query_autocomplete” for theme settings control with autocomplete.
- DEV: Added filter “woodmart_show_required_in_search_form” for search form element.
- IMPROVED: “Shop” and “Accent” button design groups in the theme settings merged into one “Accent” group.
- IMPROVED: “Map” element renamed to “Google map”.
- IMPROVED: Simple dropdown menu position in Header builder right column.
- IMPROVED: Scroll to “Full width button” and “Summary on hover” product loop styles with long short description content. (Screenshot)
- REMOVED: Option “Deprecated CSS classes from v5.x” in theme settings, now the option works through “woodmart_show_deprecated_css_classes” filter.
- REMOVED: Base deprecated styles related to the old (6.1 and lower) dummy content installations. Can be manually enabled via the “Styles always load” option. (Screenshot)