Search Results for: user

  • Installation Process

    There are two ways to upload any theme to the WordPress site: the Admin panel and FTP. The most recommended way is uploading via the Admin panel. However, sometimes there may be a size limitation for files uploaded. That is why this manual provides both ways:

  • Update 6.0 explained

    We are excited to release our 6.0 update that is mainly dedicated to performance and site speed. It includes a lot of improvements, fixes, and new features and we are going to tell you more about the update in this overview. The update algorithm is quite straightforward:

  • Update the theme

    Automatic updates with purchase code An automatic theme update is the easiest and safest way to make an update. You do not need to do anything; WordPress will do the job for you. In order to get the option...

  • How to use WPML with WoodMart

    Installing WPML To install WPML: Log into your WPML account.Go to the Downloads page and download the OTGS Installer plugin. This is a light plugin that allows you to install the main WPML plugin and all the extensions you need.Upload...

  • Global header settings

    Header settings In the left top corner of the header editing screen, you see a “gear” icon with the “Header settings” button. It brings a general settings popup that contains some basic options for the header. List...

  • How to change the header height

    The total header height is calculated based on all row heights including top bar, main header, and the bottom part. You can edit each row and find three sliders for its height: height for desktop, for mobile devices and for the sticky header if it has “Make it...

  • Wishlist

    Built-in wishlist WoodMart has a wishlist feature that allows your customers to save products they would like to buy in their accounts and share them with friends. It is one of the main functions of any online store that boosts conversion. The Wishlist feature...

  • Widgets and Sidebars

    Sidebars WoodMart suggests the set of the widget areas covering the majority of a site needs providing in Appearance > Widgets: Main Widget Area. This widget area is applied to the Blog page and single posts as well as on any...

  • Elements and Widgets

    WoodMart works with either WP Bakery builder or Elementor builder. Xtemos has developed an integrated set of elements and widgets expanding and improving WP Bakery builder or Elementor builder default chart to provide comprehensive tools to present WooCommerce products and functionality. WoodMart elements integrated into...

  • Product page options

    The product page can be configured globally in the Theme Settings - > Single product. Besides, each product page has a set of options allowing to configure each page individually. The product page has five tabs: Product page main tab, Images, Show / Hide elements, and Tabs.

  • Translate with Loco Translate plugin

    Loco Translate allows you easily translate or change texts from our theme or plugins without any effort. All you need to do for that is simply follow the below instructions. 1. Installing the Loco Translate plugin If you haven't installed and...

  • Recently viewed products

    You can track all products visited by your customers and display them in a list anywhere on your website. This will remind your customers about products they are interested in and increase the conversion. Shoppers appreciate an easy way to find a product they recently viewed. If users...

  • A 500 Internal Server Error

    All Potential Cases Listed Some server errors are inherent to WordPress websites, plugins or WordPress-based themes. It is conceivable that users face a 500 Internal Server Error just for once. It is the most common issue that is noticed. This article is devoted to...

  • How to setup Instagram API

    Our Instagram element has three options to get media from your account on Instagram: Scrape (Deprecated) - simply scrapes the page on the web and parses all the images. This method is outdated and may be blocked by Instagram now.

  • Building custom WooCommerce sites with Toolset

    Toolset plugin Starting with 5.0.0 WoodMart is compatible with the Toolset plugin set that lets you add custom types to your site and display them any way you choose – all, without writing PHP: Blocks - Front-end content display - you can...

  • Theme license Q&A

    Where to get a purchase code? 1. Log into your Envato Market account. 2. Hover the mouse over your username at the top of the screen. 3. Click "Downloads" from the drop-down menu. 4. Click...

  • Product reviews

    WoodMart extends the default WooCommerce reviews functionality adding powerful features and style opportunities that are handy for modern online stores. You can find all the available settings for the reviews in your Dashboard -> Theme Settings -> Single product -> Reviews. Layout settings

  • Sticky navigation

    Sticky navigation provides a seamless user experience, encourages deep site navigation, and helps visitors easily find the products and services they need — which will result in more revenue for you. This type of sticky navbar is a better fit for creative businesses, clothing brands, blogs, or websites...

  • Product sold counter

    Displaying a sale counter helps merchants create trust in customers' minds by showing them a product’s popularity. With the “Product Sold Counter”, you can display your product’s sales count on the single product page. The option can be enabled via Theme...

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