Buy now button
The buy now button is a powerful add-on that comes with our theme and doesn’t require any additional plugins. It adds an additional button next to the add to cart button on the single product page. While the Add to cart button adds the product to cart and keeps the customer on the same page, the Buy now button redirects straight to the checkout form to make the purchase process easy and fast.

How to enable the Buy now button
Enable this option in Theme Settings -> Single product -> Buy now. From that section, you can also select where your customers will be redirected: either to the shopping cart page or to checkout.

How to disable Add to cart button
If you don’t need two buttons at the same time then you need to disable the “Buy now” button. After doing this, you will have only one button and you can change the text “Add to cart” to “Buy now” using the Loco Translate plugin. To make it redirect the customer right to the cart or checkout page you need to configure it in WooCommerce -> Settings -> Products -> General.

Change button color
By default, this button inherits style from all shop buttons in our theme. But you might want to make it look different than the “Add to cart” button. To do this, you can use our “Advanced button styles” functionality. Find it in Theme Settings -> Styles & Colors -> Buttons. Select the “Single buy now” element from the list and configure its colors to your needs.