WooCommerce Brands
In the WooCommerce 9.6 update, the WooCommerce Brands were automatically enabled. Brands is now fully integrated into WooCommerce core and turned on by default for all users.
In order to add a brand, navigate to WooCommerce -> Products -> Brands:

The interface looks and works similarly to adding categories and tags — the form on the left lets you add a brand, which is then displayed on the right.
Editing and deleting brands
Modify Brands by hovering over the Name and click Edit or Delete. Brands may also be re-ordered by dragging and dropping.

Assigning a brand to a product
Assigning brands to products is the same process as adding categories and tags, navigate to WooCommerce > Products -> Select a product to assign a brand -> Find the Brands box in the right sidebar -> Tick the box of brands you wish to assign to the product.

In order to show the WooCommerce Brands on the page, you can use our default “Brands” element:

All settings that are related to the Brands from the theme are compatible with the Brands from WooCommerce.
WoodMart Product brands
Our theme allows you to create brands and assign them to products in your store. In general, brands are simple product attributes as well as size, color, or any other. You can create them in Dashboard -> Products -> Attributes -> Brand -> Configure terms. If you missed our dummy content import the Brand attribute may not be created yet. In this situation, you just need to create it manually in the same section filling the form, and click “Add attribute”.

After creating a new attribute, you need to be sure that you have set it as a Brand attribute in Theme Settings -> Shop -> Brands. There, you can also find a few useful options like a position of the brand logo on the single product page or turn on/off brand description tab.

When you add new brands, you can upload an image for them and add a description that will be shown on the product added to this brand under the “About brand” tab.

Adding brands to the product is similar to adding any other attributes. Find more information here Product attributes
If you want to create brand filters, you can use our WoodMart WooCommerce Layered Nav widget in Appearance -> Widgets. There, you just need to add it to the filters area or to the shop page sidebar and choose your brand attribute.