Product reviews
WoodMart extends the default WooCommerce reviews functionality adding powerful features and style opportunities that are handy for modern online stores. You can find all the available settings for the reviews in your Dashboard -> Theme Settings -> Single product -> Reviews.
Layout settings
First option in that section allows you to display reviews as a separate section instead of product tabs and it comes by default.

- Reviews section columns may change the way the form and reviews are positioned. Either in two columns or below each other.
- Reviews columns controls the number of reviews in a row. It also might be two columns or one below the other. Can be set for mobile, tablet, and desktop devices.
- Form location allows to move the form either after or before the reviews list.
Reviews settings
- Style. There are two predefined styles for the single review in the list.
- Pros and cons. By enabling this option you will add two extra fields to the reviews form. Users can write the product’s weak and strong sides. They will be displayed separately from the review text.
- Likes. This option allows logged-in customers to like or dislike other customers’ reviews.
- “Verified owner” badge. Adds an icon indicating that the review is written by the customer who purchased the product.
- Sorting. You can enable a sorting dropdown so your visitors can sort reviews by date and the number of likes/dislikes. Most helpful reviews will be determined as reviews with a higher number of likes + dislikes.
Images for reviews
In this section, you can enable an option to upload images for product reviews.
- Images count in one review. Set the maximum number of images allowed to upload per review.
- Maximum upload file size. Set the value in megabytes. For example 2
- Are images required. If you enable this option, your customers will not be able to post a review without images.
- Filter reviews by images. Adds a special checkbox that allows filtering reviews with images only.
Rating summary
You can enable a special section before the reviews form that displays bars that illustrate a total number of reviews with 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5 stars.
- Rating summary content. If you have extra criteria configured for your reviews you can display them instead of reviews totals by stars.

- Rating summary filter. If you enable this option your visitors will be able to click on each bar to display certain reviews only.
Rating criteria
Another very useful option for online stores adds multiple extra fields to rate your products based on custom criteria. For example delivery time, size correspondence, quality, etc.
You can add up to 6 custom criteria entering their names and slugs into appropriate fields. Note that the slug field shouldn’t contain any special symbols and spaces. It should look like this example: delivery_time or size_correspondance.
Here you can also set these criteria to be required to post a review or not.