Recently viewed products
You can track all products visited by your customers and display them in a list anywhere on your website. This will remind your customers about products they are interested in and increase the conversion. Shoppers appreciate an easy way to find a product they recently viewed. If users can’t remember exactly how they found the product, it may be a problem for them to locate it again. However, adding a Recently Viewed products section to your website solves this problem.

To show this module on your website you need to add our WPBakery or Elementor widget called “Products (carousel or grid)”. It is a standard product element and you can read more about its functions in our tutorial.
You can display your products as a grid, carousel, or widget. The main thing here is to set the Data source option to “Recently viewed products”. When you enable this option, an extra setting called “Update with AJAX on page load” appears. Enable this option if you use a full page cache like WP Rocket.

If you want to add this element globally to your website you can create an HTML Block and place it in your pre-footer area.