Automatically notify customers when a product becomes available for purchase. Our Waitlist functionality lets you track demand for out of stock items, making sure your customers feel informed, and therefore more likely to buy.
In order to enable this option in our theme, navigate to Theme Settings -> Shop -> Waitlist

The “Initial state” option allows you to choose the default display for the waitlist feature either the “Always open” or “Current state”. The difference is when you enable the “Always open” value, after submitting the Waitlist form you will see the default “joining the waitlist” form:

Also, after enabling the “Always open” option you can enable additional “Enable fragments updating” option which allows updating correctly when caching is enabled, maintaining accurate waitlist information on the product page.

And when enabling the “Current state” value you will see the current status (joined or not):

The “Enable privacy policy checkbox” shows an appropriate checkbox in the Waitlist form:

As for the “Waitlist only for the logged in users” option, the name accurately conveys its functionality.
Editing emails that customers receive
Our Waitlist feature allows you to edit the Email content via WooCommerce -> Settings -> Emails -> Waitlist – Product back in stock.
The “Email HTML content” and “Email text content” are responsible for the email content that customers will receive.

Note that if you want to disable the “Confirm subscription” functionality, just disable an appropriate email in WooCommerce -> Settings -> Emails:

Viewing products that customers have added to the “back in stock”.
You can view all the products that have been added to the “back in stock” via Dashboard -> Products -> Waitlist.