The free shipping progress bar
Another powerful WoodMart feature is a Free shipping progress bar. It is developed to improve your online store effectiveness and stimulate your customers to buy more and get free shipping. It displays a progress bar on the product page, mini cart, cart page, and checkout showing a value still need to be added to the cart to get this bonus.

You can activate this option in Theme Settings -> Shop -> Free shipping bar. There you can find all the options related to this option including:
- Calculation – you can set a custom Goal amount or make it dependent on the shipping zone. For example, you have free shipping on all orders more than $150 for one country and $250 for all other countries in your WooCommerce shipping zones. Then the progress bar will be shown only when you add your address on the cart page and will be calculated based on your country.
- Coupon discount – When exclude is enabled then the free shipping bar will not count the coupon value (screenshot). With include, the bar will be reduced on the coupon value (screenshot)
- Goal amount – set the total amount for the cart to apply the free shipping
- Locations – choose where to show this widget
- Initial message – text that will be displayed before the free shipping is applied. Use [reminder] shortcode to show the amount that still needs to be added to the cart
- Success message – text to show when reached the minimum amount
By enabling this in the theme you will get the widget displayed but the free shipping method also needs to be activated in WooCommerce. Here is an instruction about how to activate it:
Go to WooCommerce -> Settings -> Shipping

Create a Shipping zone and add a shipping method called “Free shipping”

Edit the “Free shipping” method and choose “A minimum amount” and set the value the same as you set in Theme Settings.