HTTPS security & SSL issue
When the HTTPS/SSL settings are not properly set up, then there will be an info sign or a broken padlock icon in the address bar. More info
This indicates that while the website is using an SSL certificate, some content on the website is not still served from HTTPS URLs. In most cases, the content was uploaded with the dummy content. In order to sort the issue out, it is necessary to delete demo images that were uploaded through an insecure protocol.
The Inspect tool will help to find out which content is served through an insecure protocol. The mixed content error will be displayed as a warning in the console with details for each mixed content item.
Most often, payment logo images in the Footer, as well as image background for rows on the homepage, cause the mixed content error.
Payment logo images are removed in the Theme Settings > Footer > Footer Copyright Options > Text next to copyrights

A row background is removed/replaced in the Row settings > Design

Find here more information in How to Fix the Mixed Content Error in WordPress (Step by Step)