How to upload custom fonts

The theme allows adding any custom font via Theme Settings -> Typography – > Custom Font. It is necessary to prepare   .woff .woff2 files that can be generated for free on Online Font Converter.

The convertor process the following file formats: pfapfb, pt3, sfdttfotfotb, t42, cefcffgsfttcsvgikmfdfont, bin, suit and bdf.

Online Font Converter allows uploading a source file both from both: PC and from a link.

The next step is to upload these files to your Media Library.

The final step is to insert the font titles in the Font | Name field and upload each file type from Media Library. It is necessary to save the settings and reload the page so that the custom font would appear in the drop-downs of Theme Settings -> Typography.

Note that if you are going to replace Google fonts with your local fonts you need to use unique names for them. For example, if you are going to use Lato font as your local font, name it Lato-local. It shouldn’t be the same as its Google font name.

In order to set a custom font on your site, you navigate to Typography and choose your custom font from the drop-down list.

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